What is forum stalking?

And you are a blithering idiot. You have tunnel vision and lack all common sense. Yes kids are cyber bullied but 99.9% of that bullying is on social media such as Face Book where they freely give up personal information. Thus giving a bully information they need to continue the bullying. It makes no difference if it is anonymous or not. I have had just about all of your stupidity I can stand. Good bye twit.

Just in case you don't have me on ignore yet shlumpy, here's a post from one of JPP's finest trump supporters regarding teen bullying and suicide.

Originally Posted by Bobb
Here's the liberal media for you, n!ggerlings bully a black girl, but the media implies white kids are the bullies. We know n!ggerlings are guilty because the article doesn't come out an explicitly identify white children as the perpetrators. We also know it's n!ggerlings because the article names the school and it's a mostly black school. We know it's n!ggerlings because most black are raised to be militantly racist.

BTW, I doubt bullying was a major factor in this little bastard's suicide. Who kills themselves for a little name-calling over something most of society is busy celebrating?
Hahaha. I guess you're embarrassed now. Toxic sits back and commands you and her other minions to trash me, Owl, Jade etc., you do it, and you are completely blind to how you're being used. Sad!!

Indeed. I'm going to have to clear off a space on the basement wall for Minty's fugly mug. It'll be positioned right underneath Toxic's for maximum trickle-down effect. I call it Museum of the Owl Groupies. lol

Isn't this a remarkable likeness of Minty/Horse's Ass?

Indeed. I'm going to have to clear off a space on the basement wall for Minty's fugly mug. It'll be positioned right underneath Toxic's for maximum trickle-down effect. I call it Museum of the Owl Groupies. lol

Isn't this a remarkable likeness of Minty/Horse's Ass?

Whatever gets you to sleep at night. Fugly is one thing I've never been called. Sorry you can't say the same. :) Maybe that's why you're so bitter.
Whatever gets you to sleep at night. Fugly is one thing I've never been called. Sorry you can't say the same. :) Maybe that's why you're so bitter.

Well, not to your fugly mug, that is. Probably afraid of your decay-caked claws and you spitting venom in their eyes. lol

I have no doubt that someone as ugly inside as you portray yourself here wears it on her face, just like your mistress.
Well, not to your fugly mug, that is. Probably afraid of your decay-caked claws and you spitting venom in their eyes. lol

I have no doubt that someone as ugly inside as you portray yourself here wears it on her face, just like your mistress.
On the contrary, I was always told the opposite.

I'd lay bets anyone as angry and bitter as you.....is ugly enough to make a train take a dirt road.
On the contrary, I was always told the opposite.

I'd lay bets anyone as angry and bitter as you.....is ugly enough to make a train take a dirt road.

You'd lose. Ask your toxic friend to email you my photo. She took it off my Facebook page and sent it to all her buddies. You won't be able to truly be one with your Lady of Perpetual Victimhood until you've been granted a glimpse of The Picture.
Whatever gets you to sleep at night. Fugly is one thing I've never been called. Sorry you can't say the same. :) Maybe that's why you're so bitter.

She is a nice looking lady.

I have never been steered wrong by assuming the claims, gossip, innuendo, and assertions of rightwing message board losers is nothing but utter horseshit.