What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

The old noggin is a little sore this morning after being rudely awoken, at some ungodly hour, by the postman loudly banging on the front door. Anyway, i let him out, but just couldn't get back to sleep.

Time to wheel out the old favourites, what?

  1. O
  2. I
  3. E
  4. A
  5. U

Forgive me, i've not been well.

'Who Invented These Lists?' - Little Man Tate
I know that America's streets are havens of tranquillity and 'crime' is not only a dirty word but a concept virtually unknown to your continent's blissful inhabitants. However, here, in the little bit of rock that is Great Britain, it is a different story entirely. Don't believe me, eh? Think i'm selling you a pup, what?

Well take a look at this ten second television cutting. You won't get fired if your boss sees it.

Our plucky boys in blue, quickly sprang into action, organising a major man-hunt, tracking down the fiend within hours and sending him away with a caution in his ear. Pah, political correctness gone mad. Can a shy young gentleman no longer commit a minor sexual assault by way of expressing his unspoken love? Is that the sort of world in which you would wish to live?

I couldn't help noticing that the reporter involved was a certain Ms Turton. If you're reading this, Ms Turton, i sympathise with your plight but would point out that if you had spent a little less time reporting and a little more time looking pretty, you would have refrained from making a hoo-ha and learned to recognise a potential husband when you saw one. Let's be honest, you're knocking on a bit now and can't afford to be so choosy. So, if you don't envisage your twilight-years entertaining the twin dinner-guests - gin and regret - to the symphony of a thousand miaows, then you're heading in the wrong direction, my girl.

'Ladies Man' - The D4
I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too. Thursday I don't care about you. It's Friday, I'm in love.

I'm not, of course. I'm actually sat here trapped in a seemingly never-ending cycle of servitude, depression and meaningless sexual encounters, but it would be a little churlish to say that, wouldn't it?

Well, at least no more servitude tomorrow and the depression will, hopefully, be sated through liberal application of Dr. Stella Artois' patented falling-down water. After that who knows? Eyes meeting 'cross a crowded dance-floor; whispered words of love; a sweet, tender caress; a meat pie proffered; a "What? No fuckin' gravy?"; rounded off with a quick rattle in a back alley 'gainst the breathtaking scene-scape of broken glass, strewn litter and vomit.

Cheg on Rudolf Valentinos.

'Friday, I'm in Love' - The Cure
I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too. Thursday I don't care about you. It's Friday, I'm in love.

I'm not, of course. I'm actually sat here trapped in a seemingly never-ending cycle of servitude, depression and meaningless sexual encounters, but it would be a little churlish to say that, wouldn't it?

Well, at least no more servitude tomorrow and the depression will, hopefully, be sated through liberal application of Dr. Stella Artois' patented falling-down water. After that who knows? Eyes meeting 'cross a crowded dance-floor; whispered words of love; a sweet, tender caress; a meat pie proffered; a "What? No fuckin' gravy?"; rounded off with a quick rattle in a back alley 'gainst the breathtaking scene-scape of broken glass, strewn litter and vomit.

Cheg on Rudolf Valentinos.

'Friday, I'm in Love' - The Cure

Here's hoping!