What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

You know the drill, you wake up, turn on the telly box and see nothing but the wailing of teeth and the gnashing of voices. It's the terrible stench of ruination and death to the left of me, doom and destruction to the right of me and a sloth of despond and slaughter straight ahead. Man, i should really clean that toilet.

What fresh hell this fine morning? Good news! Some terrorist types have been blown into little bits by a big old flying bomb.

"What about the innocent women and children killed", wails a treacherous unemployed homosexualist deadbeat. OK maybe some other people who weren't technically "terrorists" were liquidated, but they kind of probably looked the same, hell they even probably spoke the same language. Anyway, i thought that you leftie feminist people would be the last to deny the right of a sister to become a rootin' tootin' Yankee hating killing-machine, or is this just more of your double-standards bull-sheeeeet? Even terrorists want their dinner on the table after offing infidels all day and the ashes of those American flags aren't going to vacuum themselves up you know.

Yes, maybe there were some children and just maybe those children accidentally blew-up but was that our fault? Apart from being a bit smaller and a little less guilty than the bloodthirsty terrorists, i ask you, were they really any different? Do we actually know for sure that these children weren't raped and butchered by these terrorist murderers before we dropped a bomb on their house? Or are you going to revert to type and take the side of the paedophile terrorist yet again? You people make me sick.

So no real bad news after all. Jolly good show all round.

'I Don't Want to Spoil the Party' - The Beatles
Fresh from wetting my beak at the races this weekend, just the one winner romping home at 8-1 since you ask, i am awash with cash. Yes, people i could quite literally lavish my new wealth wining and dining up to four lucky ladies, with the finest microwavable meat and potato pies washed down with a can of supermarket brand premium lager. That's livin' alright. Look and learn my American friends, the European man knows how to treat a lady.

As Kenny Roger said you gots to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away and know when to run. Folding a horse isn't as easy as it sounds, believe me.

Anyway, despite my double figure winnings i'm still a shilling or two away from joining the fat cats on Millionaire's Row; buying kidneys from the poor to feed to their pedigree dogs, swapping Dan Ackroyds with Eddie Murphys and making massive donations to the Conservative Party like this chap.

Some cruel wags would make hay with the news that anyone donating Eight million large to the Tory party would naturally have to be a certified spinney-eyed loon. Just because he thought Margaret Thatcher would use his donation to save the world from "satanic monsters and freaks" does that make a man mad? In a word, yes. However, if we overlook the overwhelming psychological evidence and the words of some doctors the man is clearly as sane as me. There's no medical evidence for it but that is scientific fact. And i'm wearing a white coat so that makes it twice as factually correct.

'Pay It Back' - Elvis Costello
I have just received my "Bee Gees, The Record" cd, from Amazon, and I am downloading it to my ipod right now.

It's so exciting! I know, I know, don't be jealous though.
Put another log on the fire
Cook me up some bacon and some beans
And go out to the car and change the tire
Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans.

Come on baby you can fill my pipe and then go fetch my slippers
And boil me up another pot of tea
Then put another log on the fire babe
And come and tell me why you're leaving me.

Now don't I let you wash the car on Sunday
And don't I warn you when you're gettin' fat
Ain't I a gonna take you fishin' with me someday
Well, a man can't love a woman more than that.

Ain't I always nice to your kid sister
Don't I take her driving every night
So sit here at my feet cause I like you when you're sweet
And you know it ain't feminine to fight.

So put another log on the fire
Cook me up some bacon and some beans
Go out to the car and change the tire
Clean my socks and sew my old blue jeans

Fill my pipe and go and fetch my slippers
Boil me up another pot of tea
And throw another log on the fire
And come and tell my why you're leavin' me.
Run to Me - The Bee Gees.

I'm now totally convinced that the bee gees are way underated. I love this double cd I got. I'm so into it.
Damo, you're getting a tad too old for all that teenage angst stuff: "creeping death/metallica/speed metal" ;)


"In the name of Love"
