What's your spiritual faith and why do you believe in it?

depends.....for most people, yes....in your case?....I suspect nothing is conscious.....

I don't chose to believe something, I study an issue and come to believe. I find it very false when someone says, oh, that looks nice... Ill believe in that.
Pagan, with elements of a Lovecraftian philosophy behind it. Essentially, the gods are unknownable, and for the most part uncaring about us as a species, and attempts to understanding them in our present state bring only madness (which may also be a blessing conferred by a god from time to time).

As for why? Well, it makes the most sense to me, out of everything else.


Lovecraft was a fucking racist
the question put did not involve which god and I believe it was a capital G so that lets allah out. But assuming it was belief in whomever and were there no whoever then having lived a rightous life is worthwild. But for the other who lived what he consideted a rightous life and eschewed God he better hope he considered correctly and God is feeling charitable. Big roll of the dice IMO.

You're wrong about Allah, it's the same God as the Christian and Jewish God.
Fascinating. I'd like to read the New Testament in Ancient Greek one day, there's really not a lot more to read in that language besides Plato and Iliad/Odyssey. But it's Koine isn't entirely mutually intelligible, so I imagine it will be something of a challenge...

I'd like to read the Iliad and Odyssey in Ancient Greek, one of my Classics profs said there's so much that gets lost in translation.

"rhododactylos Eos" > "rosy-fingered Dawn."
By Communism, I would assume you mean Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism? Because Marxism-Leninism-Trotskyism is technically a form of Communism.

Yes and no. Harrington was a Trot, but clearly only insofar that he was associated with the North American anti-Stalinist left. His actual positions didn't align with Trotsky's at all.

Also, the Democratic Socialists of America are just the Democrat's bitches.

Not really? They're gradualists who lack truly radical positions, and are highly selective coalitionists, choosing labour unions over groups like the PSL, the ISO, and the MLP. But despite this, they're still actually devoted to socialism, albeit in a liberalized and slow-growing form. Their approach is just to take the safe rout.

The PSL and ISO are extremely sectarian (even fighting against each other), and don't have a lot of support. And the PSL is a thoroughly revolutionist group, more focused on foreign revolution than immediate progress on the domestic front.

The MLP doesn't really exist any more. So the DSA is one of our best hopes...
there are no gods.

facts are better than gods.

I was just playing with words.

facts are the only thing you can rely on.

You right wing idiots cant even determine what a fact is.

your just that stupid and dishonest
there are no gods.

facts are better than gods.

I was just playing with words.

facts are the only thing you can rely on.

You right wing idiots cant even determine what a fact is.

your just that stupid and dishonest

IN a way you are correct, the term God, as used my many believers of superficial religions has come to simply explain, facts that have not yet been explained by science.
I'd like to read the Iliad and Odyssey in Ancient Greek, one of my Classics profs said there's so much that gets lost in translation.

"rhododactylos Eos" > "rosy-fingered Dawn."

Yeah, there is a lot that gets lost. For one, it's essentially impossible to replicate in English the quantitative meter it uses for poetic effect. So, you pretty much lose all of that poetic effect right off the bat, you either have to translate it to prose or to some kind of stress meter. But it's not the same, the Ancient Greek is like a repetitious drum beat, a war chant, something English can't replicate. It's not half as beautiful.
Lot's of historical authors were racists. His views weren't uncommon at the time, and, while unfortunate, they don't negate his entire body of work.
Abe Lincoln was a textbook racist. Some people still like him in spite of that. Of course they also believe that "he freed the slaves" (which couldnt be further from the truth) so obviously opinions can be suspect.