What's your spiritual faith and why do you believe in it?

Abe Lincoln was a textbook racist. Some people still like him in spite of that. Of course they also believe that "he freed the slaves" (which couldnt be further from the truth) so obviously opinions can be suspect.

He passed the emancipation proclamation. Imbeciles have attempted to argue that this is not freeing the slaves at all because it only applied to rebellious territory and not free states. But,

1. The vast majority of slaves were in rebellious territory
2. Despite claims that the proclamation would have no effect due to only applying to the Confederacy (durr the Union didn't control dat durr!!!), the Union did in fact come to control vast swaths of Confederate territory, where this act would clearly be enforced by the military governors stationed therein, and once the Union controlled everything - obviously, it would be done
3. It's not clear that the executive branch would have the constitutional authority to use wartime powers to (more or less) rule by decree in non-rebellious areas, certainly the kinds of sanctimonious "states right's" activists who make this "Lincoln ain't freed no slaves!" argument would be offended had he actually tried to use expansive wartime powers in states that weren't warzones

Just more butthurt southern Confederate apologists. Your heritage is hatred, people who are proud of their Confederate heritage sicken me.
Instead of a cross over my grave, I'm going to put a Carl Sagan sculpture.


All hail the Sagan!
He passed the emancipation proclamation. Imbeciles have attempted to argue that this is not freeing the slaves at all because it only applied to rebellious territory and not free states. But,

1. The vast majority of slaves were in rebellious territory
2. Despite claims that the proclamation would have no effect due to only applying to the Confederacy (durr the Union didn't control dat durr!!!), the Union did in fact come to control vast swaths of Confederate territory, where this act would clearly be enforced by the military governors stationed therein, and once the Union controlled everything - obviously, it would be done
3. It's not clear that the executive branch would have the constitutional authority to use wartime powers to (more or less) rule by decree in non-rebellious areas, certainly the kinds of sanctimonious "states right's" activists who make this "Lincoln ain't freed no slaves!" argument would be offended had he actually tried to use expansive wartime powers in states that weren't warzones

Just more butthurt southern Confederate apologists. Your heritage is hatred, people who are proud of their Confederate heritage sicken me.
Those "rebellious states" were in another country. Further, if any portion of this other country were annexed, the proclamation specifically excluded it. The Congress passed an amendment after Lincoln's death that freed the slaves. If you choose to be ignorant about this then thats your choice.
he made his own scripture which was given precidence over the original and took things in a far different direction.
Now you could say 'but thats what thatJesus did' but it doesnt fly as it was the conclusion of prophesy. Mo was a false prophet who invalidated islam.

The Jews would disagree with you about Jesus.
Those "rebellious states" were in another country. Further, if any portion of this other country were annexed, the proclamation specifically excluded it. The Congress passed an amendment after Lincoln's death that freed the slaves. If you choose to be ignorant about this then thats your choice.

Go be a traitor to your country and to the hero that saved our nation, piece of garbage.
Those "rebellious states" were in another country.

The Confederacy was never a country, it was a treasonous rebellion that was crushed. If I would've been in charge, a lot of southern heads would've been severed, justice would've been done.

Further, if any portion of this other country were annexed, the proclamation specifically excluded it.

Wow, that would do the slave owners so much good, to be re-annexed after the military governors had already freed their slaves. What a fool, and a traitor.
Depending on how you wish to define the walls. There are other physical characteristics of them, such as construction, height, bullet holes, Etc.

Right, but I see where he was going.....

Such as the example of my hand. Even though my hand is attached to my ulna and radius, it is still a part of me. Although it does not define the "whole me" it is still a characteristic of me and me being an umbrella term that defines my particulars is what I am referring to as associations. God's foreknowledge is indeed associated with pre-destination because in matters of God and causality, you cannot have one without the other.
the question put did not involve which god and I believe it was a capital G so that lets allah out. But assuming it was belief in whomever and were there no whoever then having lived a rightous life is worthwild. But for the other who lived what he consideted a rightous life and eschewed God he better hope he considered correctly and God is feeling charitable. Big roll of the dice IMO.

But Allah is just the arabic term for God. Even arab Christians refer to the supreme being as Allah. Even Jews understand the Semitic term "Allah" as a references to HAshem so I don't understand why you rule Allah out. But no that you've put it in those words I understand your point clearly.
BTW my fellow Christians there was an article about camels which was said to be an error in the Bible anyone read up on that? To think, God's word an error? HMMM
no...it does not "define" the wall.....it just sticks to it.......the material it is constructed of does a much better job of defining it.....is it a brick wall?.....a paper wall?.....

by the way, this divergence does nothing to mask the fact you know fuck-all about predestination.....

If something is an association of another thing they collectively become something (ergo, if God has foreknowledge and predestination exists then obviously God's foreknowledge comes into effect on whether God knows a thing and wills it or knows a thing and does not will it which also leads into another argument ergo, the argument of good and evil). You're amateur attempt at philosophy is ignorant at best. You can simply google pre-destination and God's foreknowledge and you'll see many links on the subject. Obviously you never took philosophy nor philosophy of religion so sit the fuck down little boy us grown people are discussing something that is obviously beyond the fucking limits of what little mind you have! (Whew)
I have read that Allah is the same god as the god of Abraham, Moses and the god of Jesus. I believe it is in the Bible.

Allah is just an arabic word for God. Arab Christians refer to God as Allah. Jews especially Arab Jews refer to Allah as God. Arabic like Hebrew is a Semitic language. If you wrote Allah in Hebrew it would be the same if you wrote HAshem in Hebrew with a few vowels moved around. You see, fundamentalist Christians are so dumb when it comes to Semitic cultures they don't know this. In fact Muhammad the prophet specifically informs his followers to not take up saints, artifacts in the image of prophets or anything that relates to the divine. Muhammad himself got rid of the various idols in the Ka'baa when the Muslims took back Mecca. Even Moses Maimonides himself stated that if there is no "Sheol" (Jewish Temple) in the land a mosque would suffice as a place of prayer because as Maimonides said "idolatry was removed from the hearts of Mohammedans..." But Jews are specifically restricted from praying in Christian churches yet Allah to many fundamentalist Christians is a "moon god...."
he made his own scripture which was given precidence over the original and took things in a far different direction.
Now you could say 'but thats what thatJesus did' but it doesnt fly as it was the conclusion of prophesy. Mo was a false prophet who invalidated islam.

How could he "invalidate" Islam? There was no Islam until he started it.
But Allah is just the arabic term for God. Even arab Christians refer to the supreme being as Allah. Even Jews understand the Semitic term "Allah" as a references to HAshem so I don't understand why you rule Allah out. But no that you've put it in those words I understand your point clearly.

I don't understand his point about the capital "G" stuff.
Allah is just an arabic word for God. Arab Christians refer to God as Allah. Jews especially Arab Jews refer to Allah as God. Arabic like Hebrew is a Semitic language. If you wrote Allah in Hebrew it would be the same if you wrote HAshem in Hebrew with a few vowels moved around. You see, fundamentalist Christians are so dumb when it comes to Semitic cultures they don't know this. In fact Muhammad the prophet specifically informs his followers to not take up saints, artifacts in the image of prophets or anything that relates to the divine. Muhammad himself got rid of the various idols in the Ka'baa when the Muslims took back Mecca. Even Moses Maimonides himself stated that if there is no "Sheol" (Jewish Temple) in the land a mosque would suffice as a place of prayer because as Maimonides said "idolatry was removed from the hearts of Mohammedans..." But Jews are specifically restricted from praying in Christian churches yet Allah to many fundamentalist Christians is a "moon god...."

They get all their info from anti-Muslim sites like Answering Islam which is a Christian site. They seem to be afraid to look at sites actually run by Muslims.