Where Do Confederate Monuments Go After They Come Down?

I find it amusing that you lefties are determined to fight the Civil war all over. Slavery though hidious and a bleak period was the norm world wide. It happened and there isn't one thing you can do to change that. Like the confederate flag these statues are nothing but a symbol for the left's faux outrage. When all the statues are gone you idiots will switch to the history books in an effort to rewrite history. Those who ignore the past are bound to repeat it.

Why do Conservatives defend the Confederate treason?
Point of course is they played their roles as attackers of the union. They were traitors to the United States .The statues don't have sign talking about their crimes but portray them as heroes.

Obviously you've never been to Gettysburg. They do not "portray them as heroes."
You guys just make shit up.


All of the pro-CSA monuments nonsense is quite simple. You people wish the CSA had defeated America in the so-called Civil War. Instead, American values were forced down the throat of Confederates, and the former-CSA was occupied. To this very day, it is merely American by force, and not for any nobler reason, like values.

All of the pro-CSA monuments nonsense is quite simple. You people wish the CSA had defeated America in the so-called Civil War. Instead, American values were forced down the throat of Confederates, and the former-CSA was occupied. To this very day, it is merely American by force, and not for any nobler reason, like values.

I stopped reading early. At the point where you presume to know what I think.
You might have stopped reading due to physical limitations. There is no good reason to ever promote or honor the enemies of America. Especially its most vile and degenerate.

If statues frighten or upset you, I urge you not to go to Gettysburg. If you want to flush history down the memory hole, contact the National Park Service.

All of the pro-CSA monuments nonsense is quite simple. You people wish the CSA had defeated America in the so-called Civil War. Instead, American values were forced down the throat of Confederates, and the former-CSA was occupied. To this very day, it is merely American by force, and not for any nobler reason, like values.

You say we wish the CSA had won? How can you reach that insane conclusion?
If statues frighten or upset you, I urge you not to go to Gettysburg. If you want to flush history down the memory hole, contact the National Park Service.

No, the statues disgust me. We lost over 400,000 American lives to defeat the CSA. It's like being given the finger to have those statues there, pissing on the memories of fallen American troops. It's no different than building memorials to Lord North and King George III, or to Wilhelm Keitel and Hitler.
No, the statues disgust me. We lost over 400,000 American lives to defeat the CSA. It's like being given the finger to have those statues there, pissing on the memories of fallen American troops. It's no different than building memorials to Lord North and King George III, or to Wilhelm Keitel and Hitler.

Then you won't want to visit Gettysburg. Those statues are already there.
Every time one of you bitches about the war and Lincoln, and/or when you covet your memorials to the "Lost Cause."

Once again, you have the absurd idea that you know me and what I am thinking. Gettysburg offends you, so don't go there. It's that simple. But if you want to complicate the issue, take it up with the National Park Service.
Once again, you have the absurd idea that you know me and what I am thinking. Gettysburg offends you, so don't go there. It's that simple. But if you want to complicate the issue, take it up with the National Park Service.

You are thinking how much happier you would be living in the CSA. The site of a glorious American victory over the forces of evil could never offend me.