Apparently you failed 4th grade shit-for-brains making the idiot statement that a 4,900 point gain in 22 months isn't great. I guess the lowest unemployment in four decades isn't great either. While your bloviating like a moron, I guess increased high wage jobs aint so great and keeping more of what you earn was a loss too.
Instead, you really should STFU; you don't need to remove all doubt what a moron you are.
It is not great, no matter how much you rant and rave. It is a rise of 25%, that is not great, it was great for a year. The 0% rise for this year is shitty.
Unemployment has been dropping since 2010, and yes that is a good thing, but had nothing to do with Trump, nor Obama either.
I like getting more of my money but it was not worth the cost. Your savior added 1.27 trillion dollars to the national debt in FY18...that is not great either.