I am not attacking my fellow service members, we did what we were told to do.
You most certainly are when you say that we should never have been there dumbass.
We won the war with Iraq like the Patriots rolling over the Bill. We should have never been there though, the world is filled with despots and dictators and we do noting about 95% of them. Your savior in the White House is turning a blind eye to one of them killing a journalist.
Why shouldn't we have been there snowflake? The man was defying resolutions for a decade. What would be the purpose of having a UN if you are going to let despots ignore the promises they make. I doubt you even comprehend the REAL reason we were there being a low information asshat.
You sound as dim witted as the liberal morons that infest this forum snowflake. I am thinking you aren't an Ex Marine, but a security guard at the mall.
I am though embarrassed for you that you just compared WWII to the Iraq war.
I didn't compare the Iraq War with WWII you dumb fuck. I was comparing the casualties inflicted in a single day with those that took ten years. Yet leftist morons, like you, wrong their hands about it as if wars do not warrant sacrifice.
The Military is not a job corps. Nor is the peace corps. If people join it thinking they will never have to make the ultimate sacrifice and believe what their country stands for, they should consider another job career.
But I it is good that you did, now I know that I am dealing with someone with the IQ of a head of cabbage.
Ironic coming from a moron with the reading comprehension of a third grader. Perhaps you need to extract your head from that arrogant asshole of yours before you try to pretend you know what you are emoting about snowflake?