Who has the best Beard!

It's obvious that you in fact, do. Otherwise you'd have let it go long ago.

You are a sadly and desperately insecure little man.

I pity you.

No, you started posting house and door pics, then posted a video.

Proof of nothing, yet you keep crying.


And what about you??

You've become totally obsessed with this or you would have let it go, long ago.

Since you're unable to, it appears that the sadly, desperate, insecure little man, that you're referring to, is YOU.

So sad. :palm:
Seek attention by replying????? :palm:

Dude, you truly are mentally fucked up!!!! :rofl2:

Dealing with you and Dork Hole is like driving behind the special ed school bus.


And yet; you continue to reply, even though you've said you don't care. :D

And what about you??

You've become totally obsessed with this or you would have let it go, long ago.

Since you're unable to, it appears that the sadly, desperate, insecure little man, that you're referring to, is YOU.

So sad. :palm:

Go fuck yourself, you lying bag of runny shit.

All I do is respond to his whining.

Your hillbilly homo butt buddy Dork Hole is the one who can't drop it.

Simply responding to him is not an indicator of obsession. Not being able to stop initiating it is.

That's you and your plaid skirt wearing boyfriend not me.

And yet; you continue to reply, even though you've said you don't care. :D

I reply to everybody because I'm not a chickenshit like you. :fu:
Go fuck yourself, you lying bag of runny shit.

All I do is respond to his whining.

Your hillbilly homo butt buddy Dork Hole is the one who can't drop it.

Simply responding to him is not an indicator of obsession. Not being able to stop initiating it is.

That's you and your plaid skirt wearing boyfriend not me.

I reply to everybody because I'm not a chickenshit like you. :fu:



And what about you??

You've become totally obsessed with this or you would have let it go, long ago.

Since you're unable to, it appears that the sadly, desperate, insecure little man, that you're referring to, is YOU.

So sad. :palm:
If you are using a PC you can just right click mouse and Copy Image then paste into your post. Don't need to fart around with image sharing websites.

I can't get this one to work, HM.

I right clicked on several pictures...in my photo album and on line...and copied.

But when I tried the paste...nothing came up.

How'm I screwing up?
If you are using a PC you can just right click mouse and Copy Image then paste into your post. Don't need to fart around with image sharing websites.

That doesn't always work. Some websites don't allow hot-linking so the pic won't show up. Sometimes it will appear to have worked, then you come back later and the image is gone.

If you want to make sure the image is going to post properly and stay where you posted it, an image hosting site is the best way to do it.

Postimage is the best and easiest. It doesn't even require registering or creating an account. Just bookmark the site. Then when you want to post a pic, download it first, open up a Postimage tab, upload the saved image to Postimage then click on "Direct Link" which copies the url to your clipboard, then insert into post.

The entire process takes half a minute.
I can't get this one to work, HM.

I right clicked on several pictures...in my photo album and on line...and copied.

But when I tried the paste...nothing came up.

How'm I screwing up?

You're screwing up by listening to that tosser Havana Loon.

See above post.
I can't get this one to work, HM.

I right clicked on several pictures...in my photo album and on line...and copied.

But when I tried the paste...nothing came up.

It works most of the time, some sites don't like you hotlinking and turn it off. I just copied this image of Ed King, writer of Sweet Home Alabama, who has just died.

How'm I screwing up?

It works most of the time, some sites don't like you hotlinking and turn it off. I just copied this image of Ed King, writer of Sweet Home Alabama, who has just died.

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