Why millennials are leaving the church?

we'll run through this slowly so you can keep up....."atheists deny the existence of God" is not an argument....it was the definition of atheism from the time the word was first introduced until approximately the last ten years or so......further, the two statements do not have the same object.......a) Atheists don't believe in a deity.....b) Atheists don't believe they deny the existence of a deity.....

now, if your head has cleared perhaps we can proceed....

You are nothing but a liar. Was Bertrand Russell's teapot analogy devised in the last ten years? No, it is 60 years old.

Then you're very close to being a Diest. That is pretty much what I am. To be honest....I'm really an apathist. I just don't really care for religion. It just doesn't interest me. For some it brings comfort, edification, a connection to their culture and the past, etc, etc and that's all well and good.....it just doesn't interest me.

The Church has corrupted Christianity to badly that they have turned it into a money making control trap. Personally I believe in the personal "relationship" with the Christ within us all which I find to be contrary to much of what going to a Church is all about. Many Christians have a "relationship" with the bible as opposed to a relationship with Christ, taking the written word of Man over the internal relationship with Christ. I an offended by what most Churches "teach" as the "Word", they disregard the spirit and manipulate the "Word" to give themselves profit and power.

Man does not need an "establishment" to have a personal relationship with "Christ".
from the above link, first full paragraph below the definition....
"Unlike agnosticism, which leaves open the question of whether there is a God, atheism is a positive denial.".....this is what I am referring to....

We atheists do not believe in God. There is no evidence for the existance of god. Thus, we have no faith that there is a god.

But the definitions have not changed.
from the above link, first full paragraph below the definition....
"Unlike agnosticism, which leaves open the question of whether there is a God, atheism is a positive denial.".....this is what I am referring to....

From the link I provided above...

I ought to call myself an agnostic; but, for all practical purposes, I am an atheist. I do not think the existence of the Christian God any more probable than the existence of the Gods of Olympus or Valhalla. To take another illustration: nobody can prove that there is not between the Earth and Mars a china teapot revolving in an elliptical orbit, but nobody thinks this sufficiently likely to be taken into account in practice. I think the Christian God just as unlikely. - Bertrand Russell

Dawkins uses his 1-7 scale and calls himself a 6 or 6.9. You won't find many atheists claiming 7. It is your side that has tried to dishonestly redefine the labels into mutually exclusive absolutes and pretend the dictionary definition of the labels has more control over those who use them than the stated beliefs of those who use the label. Most atheist are agnostics as well as atheists. That is, they don't claim to know there is no God. There simply is no reason to believe there is one and there is no reason to treat it as likely or even remotely possible. I don't choose to call myself an agnostic because that tends to confuse people into thinking I think a God is as likely as not. I don't.
Because it is true. For someone who claims to not have given this a lot of thought you are sure twisted up about it

The truth is not hateful

"Because it is true". Nice evidence or explanation.

No, it is not true. I am every bit as much of an American as you are. There is no requirement of religious belief to be an American.
Also from Merriam-Webster

Definition of AGNOSTIC

: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god
: a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something <political agnostics>
— ag·nos·ti·cism noun"

Oh a moderate
even he knew he was bending the definition....from the same link....
"I ought to call myself an agnostic; but, for all practical purposes, I am an atheist".....

No, he was not bending the definition. You are just a dishonest moron who thinks your misreading of the dictionary is more important to the beliefs of others than what they tell you they believe.
"Because it is true". Nice evidence or explanation.

No, it is not true. I am every bit as much of an American as you are. There is no requirement of religious belief to be an American.

If anyone is anti-American it's ILA for trying to force a definition of "American" that is totally "UnAmerican"
"Because it is true". Nice evidence or explanation.

No, it is not true. I am every bit as much of an American as you are. There is no requirement of religious belief to be an American.

Well you are an American citizen. Surely. But you are unamerican In that you don't believe the basic principles upon which this nation was founded upon. You can't.

Maybe you haven't really thought through your nonbelief system?
Ok, I give up. We have services where we prayer to nothingness. We have a fervent belief that there is no god.

It really doesn't change much.

I have certainly never seen an atheist claim that all christians are unamerican.
LOL and that's why it's a waste of time to debate PiMP and his famous circular arguments. Round and round you go and nothing is learned or accomplished other than PiMP gets last workd by wearing you down and becomes a legend in his own mind. LOL
I think where they are similar is that both sides have fundamentalists who insist they are right. The majority of Atheists and Christians believe what they do and let others do the dame. It is those that insist they are correct and ridicule/mock/condemn those that do not believe as they do that are the problem. In that way, they are very similar.

Atheism IS a religious belief. It is based upon the same question... is there a higher power or not. Obviously they are on the opposite sides of the question to Christians.
Again, to say nonbelief is belief is circular reasoning and is a logical fallacy.
LOL and that's why it's a waste of time to debate PiMP and his famous circular arguments. Round and round you go and nothing is learned or accomplished other than PiMP gets last workd by wearing you down and becomes a legend in his own mind. LOL

It's not always a waste of time. PMP does not have the courage of ditzy, and follows the cowardly advice of ila, to keep it brief. But sometimes he finds a backbone and says something stupid that is almost 1/3 like.
we'll run through this slowly so you can keep up....."atheists deny the existence of God" is not an argument....it was the definition of atheism from the time the word was first introduced until approximately the last ten years or so......further, the two statements do not have the same object.......a) Atheists don't believe in a deity.....b) Atheists don't believe they deny the existence of a deity.....

now, if your head has cleared perhaps we can proceed....
and i'll type slowly for you too. To conclude non-belief is belief is circular reasoning and is therefore a logical fallacy.