Why millennials are leaving the church?

Again, you're using circular reasoning. How can nonbelief = belief?

It isn't a nonbelief you dolt. It is a belief. a nonbelief is what an agnostic would have. Neither believing in the existence of an all powerful deity nor believing that an all powerful deity does not exist.

Look up the definition of belief sometime. Or better yet, look at my previous post... because I spelled it out for you. A belief is an acceptance that a statement is true. Such as 'God does not exist'.

Your argument just keeps going back to it's beginning because it's premised on nonbelief equaling belief. You are equating the two. Which meams your circular argument is also based on a false premis. A belief there is no god is nonbelief in god. The fact is nonbelief and belief are not equivelent. That faith can be a synonym for belief is a nonsequitor cause it's still the same circular reasoning based on a false premis. Nonfaith cannot equal faith. To equate faith with nonfaith (or no faith) brings you right back to the begining of your reasoning making it circular and therefore a logical fallacy.

The above is just more of a straw man and nonsense on your part.
I am responding to what you wrote. Atheism is not a religion because they mock people. Not even Christianity is a religion due to mockery. That is what you said they had in common.

Again... a straw man. I did not say Atheism is a religion because they mock people. I said Atheism is similar to Christianity and other religions in that the most fanatical atheists pretend they KNOW for certain their position is true. Similar to the most fanatical of Christianity and other religions.

So again... QUIT creating straw men.
If I were a fervent believer in God and a member of a relgion, I'd probably be offended that my faith in God was actually being compared to atheism in any way. But that's just me.
Belief - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/belief

1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing
: something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group
: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence

If you want to say atheists have belief in the third definition of the word - ok.

But the first two definitions are the ones that are related to religious belief.

But you know, I really don't care about it when it gets to this level of wordsmithing. To me, atheism is based on science, on observations, on facts. Religion is based on fairy tales.

If you care to call both of those belief, what do I care?

Yes, I know to the 99.999999999% level that my position is true. So sue me.
If I were a fervent believer in God and a member of a relgion, I'd probably be offended that my faith in God was actually being compared to atheism in any way. But that's just me.

Funny, because that is just how String is coming off having his Atheistic beliefs compared to religion in any way. Imagine that.
Funny, because that is just how String is coming off having his Atheistic beliefs compared to religion in any way. Imagine that.

Yeah, I don't think he's offended at the idea that the two are similar. He's offended as a sentient being by your abject dumbassery. Like, how could a functioning adult homo sapiens sapiens be such a goddamned moron type-thing.
Belief - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/belief

1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing
: something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group
: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence

If you want to say atheists have belief in the third definition of the word - ok.

But the first two definitions are the ones that are related to religious belief.

I agree the first does not, but the second still applies. 'something believed'... ie... 'God does not exist' it is the foundation of atheism. Just because they do not have an organized group doesn't change the fact that as a group, all atheists have that one fundamental belief that God does not exist.

But you know, I really don't care about it when it gets to this level of wordsmithing. To me, atheism is based on science, on observations, on facts. Religion is based on fairy tales.

Um... it cannot be based on science, observations or facts... atheism is the belief that God/all powerful being does not exist. I would love to know the science, observations or facts that show God does not exist.
Yeah, I don't think he's offended at the idea that the two are similar. He's offended as a sentient being by your abject dumbassery. Like, how could a functioning adult homo sapiens sapiens be such a goddamned moron type-thing.

Yeah, which is why he went nuts and created a straw man the second I stated they were similar.
Belief - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/belief

But you know, I really don't care about it when it gets to this level of wordsmithing. To me, atheism is based on science, on observations, on facts. Religion is based on fairy tales.

And here we get to the crux of most atheists. They "think" they are too smart to believe in God. Atheists are not roots in science because science cannot prove their position.

As I said it is just a fad like high school hair dos
Well you are an American citizen. Surely. But you are unamerican In that you don't believe the basic principles upon which this nation was founded upon. You can't.

Maybe you haven't really thought through your nonbelief system?

Absolute horseshit. Have you read what Jefferson thought of Christianity and the church? And he was one of the most influential founding fathers.

I am an honorably discharged veteran who has voted in ever election (federal state & local) since I turned 18. I have paid taxes since I started working at 16. I have volunteered in my community and done charity work in ever place I have ever lived. And because I don't buy the "big man in the sky" mythology, you want to say I am not an American? No, how could that be hateful.
Let me break it down for the atheists as to why they are unamerican.

The founding principle of this country as articulated by Thomas Jefferson is that we are endowed with certain inalienable rights from our Creator.

The word Creator means God. Not any particular religion per se, but God. That is undeniable.

Since atheists claim to not believe in God, they therefore cannot believe that basic tenet of our founding. The two are mutually exclusive.

Where else do atheists believe our rights come from? Nothingness? Man? The State? Regardless they obviously can't believe that our rights are inalienable and come from God as the Founders believed and enshrined in our founding documents.


Thomas Jefferson said to his nephew, Peter Carr, "Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear."
It isn't a nonbelief you dolt. It is a belief. a nonbelief is what an agnostic would have. Neither believing in the existence of an all powerful deity nor believing that an all powerful deity does not exist.

Look up the definition of belief sometime. Or better yet, look at my previous post... because I spelled it out for you. A belief is an acceptance that a statement is true. Such as 'God does not exist'.

The above is just more of a straw man and nonsense on your part.
How long have you had a drinking problem?