Why millennials are leaving the church?

It isn't a nonbelief you dolt. It is a belief. a nonbelief is what an agnostic would have. Neither believing in the existence of an all powerful deity nor believing that an all powerful deity does not exist.

Look up the definition of belief sometime. Or better yet, look at my previous post... because I spelled it out for you. A belief is an acceptance that a statement is true. Such as 'God does not exist'.

The above is just more of a straw man and nonsense on your part.
I've made no strawman. I've not misrepresented anything. The only misrepresentation is your circular argument. You are rationalizing thae belief = non belief. That someone is does not believe in god is somehow believing something.

Please explain that to me with out using circular reasoning please.
I agree the first does not, but the second still applies. 'something believed'... ie... 'God does not exist' it is the foundation of atheism. Just because they do not have an organized group doesn't change the fact that as a group, all atheists have that one fundamental belief that God does not exist.

Um... it cannot be based on science, observations or facts... atheism is the belief that God/all powerful being does not exist. I would love to know the science, observations or facts that show God does not exist.

In a general sense, everything that religion assigns to the intervention of a supreme being has been explained by science. God does not exist. Evolution does exist. Gravity exists. If you want to consider that a belief that's up to you.

Science of course is still figuring out all the areas it doesn't know yet. What caused the big bang, what's up with string theory and lots of other interesting questions.

But none of this has been explained by a big kahuna in the sky "making it so".

All of the observations so far say god does not exist.

If you have anything provable, observable, testable that says god does exist - please do present it. It would be quite surprising.

Science continues to evolve, theories continue to be improved, new data comes along to shift the science; that all will happen.

But I have to say, on the basis of everything we know today, god does not exist.
Absolute horseshit. Have you read what Jefferson thought of Christianity and the church? And he was one of the most influential founding fathers.

I am an honorably discharged veteran who has voted in ever election (federal state & local) since I turned 18. I have paid taxes since I started working at 16. I have volunteered in my community and done charity work in ever place I have ever lived. And because I don't buy the "big man in the sky" mythology, you want to say I am not an American? No, how could that be hateful.

I wasn't talking about Christianity but you athiests always try to split that hair.

Thanks for your synopsis of your life. I am sure it is very self satisfying to you.

I will make it simple for you.

Do you believe we have inalienable rights endowed by our creator? If not, then from whence do you "athiests" think our rights emanate or haven't you given it that much thought?
Again... a straw man. I did not say Atheism is a religion because they mock people. I said Atheism is similar to Christianity and other religions in that the most fanatical atheists pretend they KNOW for certain their position is true. Similar to the most fanatical of Christianity and other religions.

So again... QUIT creating straw men.

Then you are just making baseless assertions. You offered nothing else to support your claim.
Funny, because that is just how String is coming off having his Atheistic beliefs compared to religion in any way. Imagine that.

It has nothing to do with it being compared to a religion. Your position is idiotic and is only intended to protect your own ego from charges of being a cowardly fence sitter.

Atheism is not a religion or an article of faith. However, one can believe in something based on faith and it not be a religion. Faith is belief without proof and usually based on feelings and revelation.
I wasn't talking about Christianity but you athiests always try to split that hair.

Thanks for your synopsis of your life. I am sure it is very self satisfying to you.

I will make it simple for you.

Do you believe we have inalienable rights endowed by our creator? If not, then from whence do you "athiests" think our rights emanate or haven't you given it that much thought?

Would you care to quote something that has some legal standing? The DOI does not.

My rights were endowed when I was born an American citizen. The source is irrelevant.

I have thought my beliefs through quite thoroughly. Should I pretend to believe so I can be a "good American" like you?
Would you care to quote something that has some legal standing? The DOI does not.

My rights were endowed when I was born an American citizen. The source is irrelevant.

I have thought my beliefs through quite thoroughly. Should I pretend to believe so I can be a "good American" like you?

Didn't think you would have te balls to answer. That is the foundation of our country. Sorry you don't like it. But my position stands.

You are unamerican. Deal with it.
Would you care to quote something that has some legal standing? The DOI does not.

My rights were endowed when I was born an American citizen. The source is irrelevant.

I have thought my beliefs through quite thoroughly. Should I pretend to believe so I can be a "good American" like you?

So you aren't a big fan of the Declaration of Independence?
Didn't think you would have te balls to answer. That is the foundation of our country. Sorry you don't like it. But my position stands.

You are unamerican. Deal with it.

Is there a Creator? Can you show me who it is that endowed you with your inalienable rights? No? Hmmm, perhaps they are not inalienable after all.

Sorry, but the DOI is a beautiful historic document that essentially has no legal meaning. Others have tried to use it to bring back prayer in schools or to say this is a christian nation. None of those worked. And it doesn't work now.
Is there a Creator? Can you show me who it is that endowed you with your inalienable rights? No? Hmmm, perhaps they are not inalienable after all.

Sorry, but the DOI is a beautiful historic document that essentially has no legal meaning. Others have tried to use it to bring back prayer in schools or to say this is a christian nation. None of those worked. And it doesn't work now.

I never said I can prove it. That is why it is called faith. Haven't you been following the conversation?

You can't prove he doesn't exist.

I didn't think you would take it well.
The problem in your line of thinking is that the emphasis of the DOI was the unalienable rights, not the creator.

To me, the Creator is a given. But the rights apply to everyone...believer or not.

You miss the point. Not surprising. Both matter.

Your and Winterborns thinking is why this country is in the shirty state it is in.
LOL and that's why it's a waste of time to debate PiMP and his famous circular arguments. Round and round you go and nothing is learned or accomplished other than PiMP gets last workd by wearing you down and becomes a legend in his own mind. LOL

Cunt, I believe my position is consistent, logical, and accurate......
and i'll type slowly for you too. To conclude non-belief is belief is circular reasoning and is therefore a logical fallacy.

not even remotely what I was saying....two completely different factual statements.......not an argument, therefore not a circular argument.......just like saying atheists are idiots and you are an idiot is not circular reasoning....simply two observations.......