Will Queers still be allowed to 'Marry' ?

Will Queers still be allowed to 'Marry' ?

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Which is precisely why it doesn't work above the village/tribal level.

Sure. But the point is Socialism doesn't lead to mass murder like Fascism. And Socialists aren't bad people, like Fascists. Socialists are just incorrect.
One of the reasons America is in its current situation is because of this "both sides" fallacy.
Sure. But the point is Socialism doesn't lead to mass murder like Fascism. And Socialists aren't bad people, like Fascists. Socialists are just incorrect.
One of the reasons America is in its current situation is because of this "both sides" fallacy.

Tell that to all the Russians and Chinese killed in the name of Socialism and Communism not to mention South Americans, Vietnamese, Koreas and those in the ME.
That wasn't even true Communism. Karl Marx would have recoiled in horror.

It's all part of human nature. That's one reason why Communism, Socialism and Utopias don't work: there's always those who are corrupted by power and pervert the system. Another reason is limited resources in a world that is short on resources.
Nope, we already debunked this.

A bunch of millennials sitting around in a drum circle smoking pot and beating each other off is not a valid debunking.

The fact remains there is not a functioning, viable socialist state in existence. If there is, please post it.

It's not Sweden or Canada.
Doesn't matter. They still have to rule based upon the Constitution. Dred Scott was a mistake that won't be repeated meaning SCOTUS won't remove freedoms. Besides, it's a 14th Amendment issue.

"Dred Scott was a mistake "
How could it be a 'mistake'? If the Supreme Court makes a decision, it must be in accordance with the Constitution.
Are you now claiming 'Roe/Wade' was a 'mistake'?
"Dred Scott was a mistake "
How could it be a 'mistake'? If the Supreme Court makes a decision, it must be in accordance with the Constitution.
Are you now claiming 'Roe/Wade' was a 'mistake'?

It went against the 14th and the concept that all men are created equal.
Well. Let's see what happens. My Opinion:

Queers can 'Marry', ... but it can't be called that. It has to be called something different. Men and Women 'Marry'. Queers can have 'Civil Unions', 'Domestic Partnerships', 'Pairiages', something that signifies it as a 'Gay Marriage', distinct from a 'Real Marriage' between a Man and a Woman that can have biological children.

There won't be any changes.

37 states + D. C. had already legalized same sex marriages before the court decision. On what basis could the decision be challenged today?
Talking about the Dred Scott case. But funny you should ask that because it all comes down to the definition of Life.

Pretty sure most of us know that 'life' begins when sperm enters the egg.

The actual Argument is, ... when can the Host terminate that Life ... and does she need consent of the Donor.