WTF - Crazy Cleaning Lady

You don't expect him to read that touchy-feely crap, do you?

No, but, what if he should meet some motorcycle woman who actually thinks he's attractive, maybe she fell of her bike and has some head damage, right? And so he realizes he communicates with women like a chimpanzee, and decides to get some help and wanders into a book store and says "do you have men are from mars and women are from jupiter?" And then the clerk is going to say, well, no, but we have men are from mars and women are from venus, but it's not going to help you. We don't have anything here that is going to help you.

So you see, as usual, I am only thinking of others and trying to help out Damo. I'm like, a superior being, almost made up soley of pure, white light, if you could see inside me, that's probably what you'd see. I'd bet.
No, but, what if he should meet some motorcycle woman who actually thinks he's attractive, maybe she fell of her bike and has some head damage, right? And so he realizes he communicates with women like a chimpanzee, and decides to get some help and wanders into a book store and says "do you have men are from mars and women are from jupiter?" And then the clerk is going to say, well, no, but we have men are from mars and women are from venus, but it's not going to help you. We don't have anything here that is going to help you.

So you see, as usual, I am only thinking of others and trying to help out Damo. I'm like, a superior being, almost made up soley of pure, white light, if you could see inside me, that's probably what you'd see. I'd bet.
LOL. People are looking.
Well, I left the office around 12:30 so I missed her 1 pm conversation with herself today.
Oh good, this gives me a great place to blow off some steam. My boss wants one of the IT guys to download some crap onto my computer, because there is something he wants me to start doing. So yesterday, I go up to the guy, his name is Uday, and say, ok Uday, just let me know when you have time. And he says, no time today. Ok.

so then this morning he comes over to my desk and plants himself and says "we do right now".

Yeah, ok, first of all, step back and get your penis out of my face, because one of my big pet peeves is when some guy walks over to my desk, takes one step too close, and has that in my face. I don't know if it's supposed to be sexual or intimidating, but it doesn't do it for me either way. Second of all, I don't do anything "right now" that anybody tells me "do right now" Sorry, but NY is not under Taliban control, maybe you got confused?

And I rescheduled with him at my convenience , to teach him how things are done here.
Oh good, this gives me a great place to blow off some steam. .........

And I rescheduled with him at my convenience , to teach him how things are done here.

LOL. that's funny. especially the nice little visual you gave us. It must be nice having autonomy and some say in what you do. I'm executive managements' b!tch. They say "jump" I ask "how high?" Pretty depressing at this time of the year.

Yeah, venting is good.

We have this stupid presentation that pretty much every area of strategy, finance, treasury, and sr. management is involved with. Everyone has an opinion and fight to get their opinions into the document because they all know better than everyone else. Personally I don't care because I'm everyone's b!tch and quite frankly, they've won. I just don't want to be here until the wee hours of the evening. I have a hair appointment.

Oh good, this gives me a great place to blow off some steam. My boss wants one of the IT guys to download some crap onto my computer, because there is something he wants me to start doing. So yesterday, I go up to the guy, his name is Uday, and say, ok Uday, just let me know when you have time. And he says, no time today. Ok.

so then this morning he comes over to my desk and plants himself and says "we do right now".

Yeah, ok, first of all, step back and get your penis out of my face, because one of my big pet peeves is when some guy walks over to my desk, takes one step too close, and has that in my face. I don't know if it's supposed to be sexual or intimidating, but it doesn't do it for me either way. Second of all, I don't do anything "right now" that anybody tells me "do right now" Sorry, but NY is not under Taliban control, maybe you got confused?

And I rescheduled with him at my convenience , to teach him how things are done here.

It's Friday...go out tonight and let off some steam...ya really are a frustrated see sex in everything...'Control G Freak' Poor Uday just doing his job and here 'comes' dara saying 'only on my terms':cof1: ...
LOL. that's funny. especially the nice little visual you gave us. It must be nice having autonomy and some say in what you do. I'm executive managements' b!tch. They say "jump" I ask "how high?" Pretty depressing at this time of the year.

Yeah, venting is good.

We have this stupid presentation that pretty much every area of strategy, finance, treasury, and sr. management is involved with. Everyone has an opinion and fight to get their opinions into the document because they all know better than everyone else. Personally I don't care because I'm everyone's b!tch and quite frankly, they've won. I just don't want to be here until the wee hours of the evening. I have a hair appointment.

LOL You are funny Tiana. But these are good examples of why you will go much further and make far more than I ever will. I have this natural, deep, streak in me that says "who do you think you're talking to" right away. Corporate America loves that!
LOL You are funny Tiana. But these are good examples of why you will go much further and make far more than I ever will. I have this natural, deep, streak in me that says "who do you think you're talking to" right away. Corporate America loves that!

You can still marry rich!

In all seriousness, it kind of sucks at times, but then again, this summer has been pretty laid back so I guess I'm due.
Ok, work venting;

I am rushing around today because I am going to be gone tomorrow. I was just upstairs and now I have to go back up, and I'll be there for a while. So, I'm a little stressed to begin with. Anyway, there is this janitor here, and he is hanging around the elevator too often, and gets into it with me too many times. And he's always giving me this big smile, like "imagine this, we're in the elevator together again". And trying to chat me up , and staring at me.

And I'm really right about where I get with BB with this guy. Two seconds from blasting his ass. What does this guy think, that I'm going to turn around to him and say "oh you know, since we're in the elevator alone again, do you want to f?"

I feel like I'm going to let him have it big time soon. Just yell at him, "smell me. Do you really think you're ever going to have sex with a girl who smells that good? Have you smelled yourself? Because that would be your first clue"

Ok, work venting;

I am rushing around today because I am going to be gone tomorrow. I was just upstairs and now I have to go back up, and I'll be there for a while. So, I'm a little stressed to begin with. Anyway, there is this janitor here, and he is hanging around the elevator too often, and gets into it with me too many times. And he's always giving me this big smile, like "imagine this, we're in the elevator together again". And trying to chat me up , and staring at me.

And I'm really right about where I get with BB with this guy. Two seconds from blasting his ass. What does this guy think, that I'm going to turn around to him and say "oh you know, since we're in the elevator alone again, do you want to f?"

I feel like I'm going to let him have it big time soon. Just yell at him, "smell me. Do you really think you're ever going to have sex with a girl who smells that good? Have you smelled yourself? Because that would be your first clue"

BB doesn't do elevators or even get close to them...and BB smells like Old Spice...:cof1: