Alec Baldwin Fired Prop Gun That Killed Halyna Hutchins, Injured Director

No you need to be watched closer. You are a danger to Americans, Democracy and America.

Prove I'm a danger. I'm not supporting a diaper wearing racist asshole who lies and gropes little girls and wants to force Americans to take an ineffective vaccine and wants Americans to lose their jobs if they refuse his edicts. But I'll wait for your evidence of how dangerous I am.

BTE I've never killed anyone but your boyfriend there did.
The NRA protects the right to bear arms and the killer, Alec Baldwin joined an anti-NRA group.

The NRA teaches gun safety. If the killer, Alec Baldwin, had joined the NRA, he would have been trained to never point a gun at a person unless you meant to kill that person.

A woman would still be alive and a man not wounded if the killer, Baldwin had been a member.
Prove I'm a danger. I'm not supporting a diaper wearing racist asshole who lies and gropes little girls and wants to force Americans to take an ineffective vaccine and wants Americans to lose their jobs if they refuse his edicts. But I'll wait for your evidence of how dangerous I am.

BTE I've never killed anyone but your boyfriend there did.

Thank you for proving my point. I am sure you are on FBI's watchlist.
Prove I'm a danger. I'm not supporting a diaper wearing racist asshole who lies and gropes little girls and wants to force Americans to take an ineffective vaccine and wants Americans to lose their jobs if they refuse his edicts. But I'll wait for your evidence of how dangerous I am.

BTE I've never killed anyone but your boyfriend there did.

How ironic, the killer, Baldwin, was protesting the very group, the NRA, that teaches gun safety.
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Yeah it requires elementary level science to understand so I understand it's beyond your comprehension.

Well, I know enough not to point a firearm at someone unless I have the intent to shoot them. That's pretty elementary....
Well, I know enough not to point a firearm at someone unless I have the intent to shoot them. That's pretty elementary....

You do not know if he was aiming for her. That is your assumption. You are jumping to conclusions even when the body is still warm.