Biden says Obama will be tested....

Biden for got to add 5 words to this statement ,"like they do all Presidents".

Man I wish as much was made of the stupid things Palin and McCrusty say.
Yeah; Darla saying he sounds "mentally fucking ill" and the rest of us saying he sounds really strange & inexplicable is really stonewalling.

Do you know if they have this on tape? I haven’t seen it yet. I am afraid if they have this on tape it could cost Obama the election. My feeling is that regardless of what thinking people will do, a tape of Joe Biden guaranteeing the America people international crisises, of which he can name five or six, within six months of Obama taking office, being played over and over for the two remaining weeks, could do that. I would hope that I am wrong, but that is my fear.
I would like for one person to be able to explain to me what the fuck Joe Biden could have been thinking. I say it’s inexplicable. He kept saying “I’m telling you guys the kid is ready. That’s great Joe. That helps.
Biden for got to add 5 words to this statement ,"like they do all Presidents".

Man I wish as much was made of the stupid things Palin and McCrusty say.
He didn't "forget" he was too busy comparing Obama to Kennedy to think before he spoke.
Do you know if they have this on tape? I haven’t seen it yet. I am afraid if they have this on tape it could cost Obama the election. My feeling is that regardless of what thinking people will do, a tape of Joe Biden guaranteeing the America people international crisises, of which he can name five or six, within six months of Obama taking office, being played over and over for the two remaining weeks, could do that. I would hope that I am wrong, but that is my fear.
I would like for one person to be able to explain to me what the fuck Joe Biden could have been thinking. I say it’s inexplicable. He kept saying “I’m telling you guys the kid is ready. That’s great Joe. That helps.
Yes, it is on tape. In fact at the end of it Joe "joked" that he shouldn't have said it because the Press was there.
Do you know if they have this on tape? I haven’t seen it yet. I am afraid if they have this on tape it could cost Obama the election. My feeling is that regardless of what thinking people will do, a tape of Joe Biden guaranteeing the America people international crisises, of which he can name five or six, within six months of Obama taking office, being played over and over for the two remaining weeks, could do that. I would hope that I am wrong, but that is my fear.
I would like for one person to be able to explain to me what the fuck Joe Biden could have been thinking. I say it’s inexplicable. He kept saying “I’m telling you guys the kid is ready. That’s great Joe. That helps.

They probably have a tape; I don't think it's that serious that it could cost the election. There isn't as much hysteria in the media about the comments as there is here, but that could change.

To me, their more inexplicable; I think they are probably getting less play because some of what he said is basically indecipherable.
They probably have a tape; I don't think it's that serious that it could cost the election. There isn't as much hysteria in the media about the comments as there is here, but that could change.

To me, their more inexplicable; I think they are probably getting less play because some of what he said is basically indecipherable.

Well if he’s on tape, we’re going to find out, because you can bet McCain will be running it over and over along with his ‘TESTED ON DAY ONE”, even though nobody knows what that means, because he hasn’t been, no one has been until they take office. It won’t matter. And it’s going to hurt the campaign.
Yes, he sounded rambling and not very coherent. He sounded like one of my drunken irish uncles. I hope it’s just age compounded by mental exhaustion ( I do understand how dangerous that can be, and I think we have seen it throughout both the primaries and the general, in pretty much every one but Obama, to varying degrees, most often with McCain). And not something worse. I feel very angry over it. And I have always sincerely liked Joe Biden. I’m ready to cut him loose and throw him under the bus right now though. He’s not worth fucking up an Obama presidency.
"He sounded like one of my drunken irish uncles. I hope it’s just age compounded by mental exhaustion ( I do understand how dangerous that can be, and I think we have seen it throughout both the primaries and the general, in pretty much every one but Obama, to varying degrees, most often with McCain). And not something worse. I feel very angry over it. And I have always sincerely liked Joe Biden. I’m ready to cut him loose and throw him under the bus right now though. He’s not worth fucking up an Obama presidency."

You must have gotten that from the Dem talking points Damo was talking about (though I didn't have "drunken Irish uncle" in mine...they must have added that).

Yeah - I was surprised. I figured post-debate they'd have everyone on a pretty short leash & sticking to scripted remarks, just to run the clock out. It's hard to imagine why he even went there.
To put all of that aside, it’d be nice to be able to talk honestly with normal people about what is it with biden – mental exhaustion combined with age, or is does he have a problem? Because this is not about Obama. This is about Biden making comments which go beyond a little weird. They’re outrageous.
But you can’t do that here.

It makes it worthless to bother trying. I didn’t even read past the first page of this thread. I don’t have the kind of time to waste on this exercise in stupidity as a couple of over-excited Republican poodles start humping each other and pissing all over the floor.

"He sounded like one of my drunken irish uncles. I hope it’s just age compounded by mental exhaustion ( I do understand how dangerous that can be, and I think we have seen it throughout both the primaries and the general, in pretty much every one but Obama, to varying degrees, most often with McCain). And not something worse. I feel very angry over it. And I have always sincerely liked Joe Biden. I’m ready to cut him loose and throw him under the bus right now though. He’s not worth fucking up an Obama presidency."

You must have gotten that from the Dem talking points Damo was talking about (though I didn't have "drunken Irish uncle" in mine...they must have added that).

Yeah - I was surprised. I figured post-debate they'd have everyone on a pretty short leash & sticking to scripted remarks, just to run the clock out. It's hard to imagine why he even went there.

That was funny Onceler. Damo & SF, whenever they are writing to tell you about yourself or me, or any of the liberals here, they are telling you all about themselves, that’s why what they are describing always reminds you of them…which I think we have all caught onto by now.
It was a stupid comment, but we chose someone 8 years ago with almost no experience in the realm of foreign policy or terror who within 9 months of his election was tested huge and at least for a while, with the people he chose his response was good. I love how experience in foreign policy ONLY counts when the dem has no experience. Reagan and Bush had ZERO experience compared to who they ran their first campaigns against and they won. It is bullshit double standard.
Do you know if they have this on tape? I haven’t seen it yet. I am afraid if they have this on tape it could cost Obama the election. My feeling is that regardless of what thinking people will do, a tape of Joe Biden guaranteeing the America people international crisises, of which he can name five or six, within six months of Obama taking office, being played over and over for the two remaining weeks, could do that. I would hope that I am wrong, but that is my fear.
I would like for one person to be able to explain to me what the fck Joe Biden could have been thinking. I say it’s inexplicable. He kept saying “I’m telling you guys the kid is ready. That’s great Joe. That helps.

I have no clue. But every single guess that I come up doesn't bode well for the team. If McCain's camp had any sense, they would immediately drop the ayers thing and justifiably harp on this.

I mean even if he just mangled a speech or talking points....WTF did he mean to say?
Yeah - I was surprised. I figured post-debate they'd have everyone on a pretty short leash & sticking to scripted remarks, just to run the clock out. It's hard to imagine why he even went there.

Well, Joe is well known for sticking his foot in his mouth.