Damar Hamlin

Racism is everywhere. It's important to confront it so we can combat it.

Totally agree. It is high time it gets confronted no matter WHICH RACE it comes from. You cant fight racism with racism.
Would a white girl have attacked George Zimmerman knocking him to the ground and pound his face? . Zimmerman is an idiot but so was Trayvon. He never should have attacked Zimmerman.

So Trayvon was not allowed to stand his ground?

But a white girl would have just got raped by him?
That was never the claim, was it, "teacher"? Race affected the response to the injury. Don't be a liar.
The op claims that it had something to do with race...It did not... and nothing to do with the response to the injury.... And yes.. I taught for 30 years... so you don't have to put that in quotes...that's just silly...
The op claims that it had something to do with race...It did not... and nothing to do with the response to the injury.... And yes.. I taught for 30 years... so you don't have to put that in quotes...that's just silly...

We can all read what the OP said

Your reaction to it was racist
It is beyond refreshing to see a black man recieve so much love and so much support from ppl all over the country, while this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred. It does however saddens me that a negro in order to get this type of love and affection has to be in full gear, ie a sport uniform for white ppl to give a damn, else he's just another negro in distress.....as a matter of fact, had this brother had this same event take place outside of entertaining white ppl, I don't think he'd recieve the type of attention he's recieving now. So to all my black brothers, you want love from the master, bust your ass while in a uniform, else look out!!

He’s talking about how when the victim is black and NOT FAMOUS that many in this nation express LITTLE compassion for the victim

Can you comment on that reality?
True story from my youth.....

Big bar fight at a club. Cops came and pulled all involved outside. Indians, "natives" against white guys. Cops interviewing Indians...... Indians literally say....." those white honkey mother f ers were acting all racist and shit" cops look at them like this....:whoa: because they were too stupid to even understand that they were talking racist as they were accusing others of being racist. we all got a good laugh as they were loading them in to the drunk paddy wagons....:laugh:
Your post falsely calling people racist is racially divisive and is as bad as racism itself.

So you refuse to accept your clearly racist reaction here when the true subject of this nations racist problems are exposed?

Thank you for proving that writers point
You implied Trayvon was not threatened

He was
Who threatened him? There is a difference in feeling threatened and being threatened. If feeling threatened is reason to physically attack someone there are several neighborhoods in Dallas I would be justified in attacking people for walking near me.
He was being stalked at night by some Man twice his age

He didn’t want to be raped by some creep who was harassing him