Does PTSD drive obsession with hoarding guns?

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I'm sure there are many 'drives' for hoarding guns. While not all gun hoarders are PTSD sufferers, they have other neuroses, no doubt.

Proof or just admit that you're nothing more then a shrew who cares about no one or anything, as long as you get your way.
I repeatedly asked for the criteria for determining who is "hoarding guns". Neither you nor Legion wanted to offer even the vaguest idea of what it is. You didn't suggest I needed professional help because I think someone accused me of anything.

You still have not defined "hoarding guns" or any sort of intelligent description of what a "gun nut" is, and yet you try and demean me for asking.

If you wish to discuss abstractions, I am perfectly willing to do so. But even in abstract ideas there must be basic definitions of the terms.

The criteria for judging hoardership would be a moving target, wouldn't it? Determining such would require personal and hopefully professional observation of the particular situation as well as the many facts surrounding it. You came into the conversation looking for a fight based on your own insecurities and apparently your possession of many firearms. There is help available for you.

You then whine about someone calling you a "gun nut" when no such thing happened. Again, insecurity and self doubting. Demeaning you? Again, help is available for you.

I mentioned abstractions only because I felt you may have perceived that in my responses and statements. Although not at all, you picked up on that and volunteer to communicate in such a manner. I am fully aware of your own abstractions and inability to focus as well as your propensity to project your failures. You beat up on yourself and blame it on others. Tsk, tsk. There IS HELP FOR YOU.
Not really.

Hunting different game calls for different guns. One buys a rifle and a handgun for deer, etc. The handgun for when you get to the deer you just shot you can finish it off with the handgun if you sucked and didn't get the best shot off. Small rifle for shooting the fox killing your chickens..

One type of Shotgun for bird hunting fowl, another for hunting smaller birds.

I'm already at 5. Now, I have two rifles for hunting deer because I bring my kid with me. I have more than one handgun because my wife likes to shoot something different than I favor, and I need one for the kid while hunting, there's another...

Now I"m "hoarding", according to your definition, but I have bought each of these guns for a purpose. Unless you think hunting itself is a neurosis, your definition kind of sucks.

She's just another "know it all" liberal, who FEELS she knows whats best for everyone; when she doesn['t have clue one, about what she's talking about
You refuse to read the answers or at least pretend not to have read them. I sometimes delve into abstractions as I feel I am dealing with intelligence and sometimes I miss that mark. Straightforwardly, if you feel like someone is accusing you of being a gun nut or a gun hoarder then my recommendation to you would be to do some personal soul searching or at least a chat with your healthcare provider. Do you find that difficult to understand? Obviously, you do. Get yourself some help with that.

And you're a cocksucker.
Rarely, and certainly not in this case. I have been asking for a definition of a term on which this thread is based. I have tried to clarify the parameters so that we may be able to have an intelligent conversation on the topic. You have steadfastly refused to do so.

I have tried to have a discussion on the issue with you. But in order to do so, I needed some definition of what "hoarding guns" meant. Rather than offer up any information, you chose to launch personal attacks and wander all around the topic. This tells me you have no interest in an actual discussion. If you did, you would have participated in it in some manner besides the nonsense you have posted.

To pretend to be so intelligent at this point is laughable. If your education and intellect is so vast, why not give some idea of what you think "hoarding guns" means so we can have a discussion in which we both understand the parameters of the issue.

Like yurt, the self proclaimed doctor of jurisprudence, your primary objective seems to be to argue an indefinite point and defend yourself when no accusation of you exists. As a pilot I certainly understand your obsession for parameters but in these conversations aren't the parameters wide and changing? For every point isn't there a counter-point? I've now seen you do this to yourself several times. It isn't pretty and it isn't smart. Get help.
So if someone calls you a seriel cocksucker, you might want to do some introspection; because even though you hadn't thought you had sucked that many.

You just don't get it, do you, cocksucker? If someone simply mentions the word "cocksucker" and you feel like they are talking to you or accusing you somehow when nothing of the kind actually took place then yes, I would think that you need some help in that regard even if you had only sucked a few of them.
If you ever plan on adding something other than an ad hom fallacy you may actually get an answer from most of the people on this board. Ad homs are fine, and not always a fallacy, but I prefer to actually discuss things. So, either add to the conversation or be relegated to my nothing pile. I don't particularly care which way you go... but I'm hopeful you'll choose to throw in some discussion with the flavoring of ad hom rather than just try to fill us up with flavoring rather than meat.

My remarks to you have only been in keeping with the game that I perceived you to be playing. If I have offended you I am sorry for that. I believe if you take the breadth and depth of my remarks you will see that I am quite serious and typically don't use ad homs until they are specifically directed towards me or if I am dealing with someone that has a history with me of such behavioral practices and tactics. I'm always glad to match wits with the clowns. In any event, please contact me on the board or via pm if you have further concerns about me or what I have to say here. I thank you in advance.
You just don't get it, do you, cocksucker? If someone simply mentions the word "cocksucker" and you feel like they are talking to you or accusing you somehow when nothing of the kind actually took place then yes, I would think that you need some help in that regard even if you had only sucked a few of them.

Cocksuckers come in all types, colors and configurations, dummy. Why be so persnickety? Are you feeling persecuted? How long have these thoughts been bothering you? Have you sought help with them before?
Cocksuckers come in all types, colors and configurations, dummy. Why be so persnickety? Are you feeling persecuted? How long have these thoughts been bothering you? Have you sought help with them before?

Absolutely not, cocksucker. It is you feeling persnickety, persecuted, long-standing and chronic. Most other cocksuckers like you feel much the same.
Absolutely not, cocksucker. It is you feeling persnickety, persecuted, long-standing and chronic. Most other cocksuckers like you feel much the same.

You don't need to be asking me about all that, Tator. Perhaps a conversation with your healthcare provider would be more appropriate? If you can't afford it I believe healthcare can be provided for you at no charge in your area. Please seek it out. Obviously all this has you very troubled and self doubting.
You don't need to be asking me about all that, Tator. Perhaps a conversation with your healthcare provider would be more appropriate? If you can't afford it I believe healthcare can be provided for you at no charge in your area. Please seek it out. Obviously all this has you very troubled and self doubting.

Blah, blah, blah, faggot.
Just more blah, blah, blah from the resident cocksucker.

I sometimes delve into abstractions as I feel I am dealing with intelligence and sometimes I miss that mark. Straightforwardly, if you feel like someone is accusing you of being a cocksucker then my recommendation to you would be to do some personal soul searching or at least a chat with your healthcare provider. Do you find that difficult to understand? Obviously, you do. Get yourself some help with that.
Just more repetitious blah, blah, blah from the resident goober gobbler. Have you NOTHING original to say? Have you no shame?
Just more repetitious blah, blah, blah from the resident goober gobbler. Have you NOTHING original to say? Have you no shame?

Tator you didn't even realize what was occuring, until the last post.

I was glad to see you state that your own words are just "blah-blah-blah". :D