Primavera/cancelled by Damo 12/25

Thailand legalised cannabis last year, you can even buy THC drinks in vending machines!


No doubt to calm the population from revolting against a pedophile King and a brutal Third World Shithole regime.
I've never known anyone claim to be Christian and use as many hateful slurs as he does.

True. Remember how we had to ban him from that other forum because he wouldn't stop calling the other members "cunt"? He tried to convince us that "cunt" was a perfectly-acceptable British slur that doesn't have the same meaning it does here. We were not convinced.
no seriously......I love the way you raised your hand when we called out the mouth-breathing racists, dumbasses, and was priceless.....

You've not only never called out any of those losers, you hopped in bed with them and now are infested with their hate-fleas. Try again.
OF ANY OF THE POSTERS, Primo was the most dishonest.
He was a paid shill you simpleton, shut the fuck up

Hi! Good morning! I'm sorry to see the stick up your ass is causing you so much pain. Why don't you find one of the nurses at your institution to pull it out?

Also, eat a bag of dicks, loser.
There's a lot of that on this board, but what this board could use more of are intelligent, knowledge people capable of composing in college-level English narrative and prose. We already have the market cornered on mouth-breathing racists, dumbasses, and misogynists.
Darla goes nut over WORDS.
I called Susan Rice, Powers, and Hillary "harpies" and she immediately went into full triggered PC mode