Russian court hands Brittney Griner 9-year prison sentence

You don't think she is an American?
You are okay with foreign nations giving people much harsher prison sentences due to being American?
You cheer on foreign nations who do that to our people?

Then you are unamerican scum.

Did u bitch about Chauvin’s sentence being harsh?

Chauvin’s sentence was "7.5 years more" than the Judge could have sentenced him to while still remaining within the Minnesota guidelines.
She broke the law! Admitted GUILT!

So u support people that break the law admit guild not being sentenced?

Why haven't you been as vocal about other Americans arrested & imprisoned around the world, and also the other prisoners we're trying to free in Russia?
So, you support foreign governments that are holding Americans prisoner all around the world, regardless?

You support North Korea arresting and imprisoning Otto Warmbier?

Does Otto hate America too? I just don't have much sympathy for people who make tons of money in a country they hate and then complain when they are actually treated badly in another country. You never look at the shitty behavior of leftists do you? This is why people couldnt give a shit about her. Same for otto if he hates America.
Link? Name?


Why are you even discussing this issue if you don't know about other political prisoners arond the world?

Your beef is clearly just with Griner. I don't do that - once an American is being mistreated abroad, I don't care what their politics are. I want them home quickly, and safely.
Did u bitch about Chauvin’s sentence being harsh?

Chauvin’s sentence was "7.5 years more" than the Judge could have sentenced him to while still remaining within the Minnesota guidelines.

He killed someone and was not enhanced for being an American.

You root for Russia over America!
Does Otto hate America too? I just don't have much sympathy for people who make tons of money in a country they hate and then complain when they are actually treated badly in another country. You never look at the shitty behavior of leftists do you? This is why people couldnt give a shit about her. Same for otto if he hates America.

Thanks for admitting that it's just political for you, and has nothing to do w/ your 1st claim that she should pay because she "broke the law."

It's just ideological.
She sure hates what America stands for. I have little doubt that she thinks America is systemically racist and that she is terribly oppressed here. And now she can see what's it's like in another country.

Fact is other countries can do whatever the fuck they please. You don't like it don't go there. That has nothing to do with me.

And you're a hysterical bitch

I think she loves what America stands for and was willing to fight for what America stands for. You are so unamerican
Does Otto hate America too? I just don't have much sympathy for people who make tons of money in a country they hate and then complain when they are actually treated badly in another country. You never look at the shitty behavior of leftists do you? This is why people couldnt give a shit about her. Same for otto if he hates America.

I don't know what the politics of Paul Whelan or Trevor Reed are, but even if they are die hard Trump supporters, I still support Biden's efforts to get them out of Russian prison.
As for "hating America" - is there any more definitive America-hating slogan than "Make America Great Again?"

So, America isn't great? Why do Trumpers hate this country so much?

Why are you even discussing this issue if you don't know about other political prisoners arond the world?

Your beef is clearly just with Griner. I don't do that - once an American is being mistreated abroad, I don't care what their politics are. I want them home quickly, and safely.

Just a link and a name for one
I think she loves what America stands for and was willing to fight for what America stands for. You are so unamerican

That's what she didn't want to listen to the national anthem. It's like you're brain damaged.