Who is Gullible Enough to Believe This?

That wasn't a democratic press release but the hard core conservative editor of the National Review that said Trump was "weak", "definately nuts", "very unpopular" and that the GOP's chances in November are slim.

I don't put much in any poll but there have been a number of them with Harris up by 5-6, I don't know about 7.
Argument from randU fallacy. Manufacturing numbers and using them as 'data' is a fallacy.
It isn't just on the internet. The link takes you to the actual poll and its methodology. The same thing every valid poll should reveal.
Argument from randU fallacy.
Maybe someday you will grow up and understand statistical analysis of random samples and stop with the jr high name calling. The name calling seems to reveal you know the truth and are trying to pretend it doesn't exist.
Logic errors:
Inversion fallacy.
Argument from randU fallacy.
Attempted proof by randU.
Strawman fallacy.
Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
Redefinition fallacy,

Math errors:
Failure to declare unbiased data source.
Failure to select by randN.
Failure to normalize by paired randR.
Failure to declare and justify variance.
Failure to calculate margin of error value.
Failure to show your work.

Math and logic errors are NOT 'The Truth', poorboy.
Only the lying leftist mental cases stupid enough to vote for Komrade Kamala.

I enjoy watching the mental delusions Democrats are willing to engage in. It will make their crying in November that much louder and more enjoyable. Do you think they will engage in their usual election denials?
Does a chicken have lips? I think we both know the answer to your question.
The fact that a 'news organization' has been a leftist lawfare target credibly sued for defamation says quite a bit about whether it is operating mostly in a neutral, dispassionate manner.
Indeed it does! It says that the Gateway Pundit is an independent organization, free from the grasp of manipulative Marxist propaganda.
The fact that a court then threw out that organization's attempt to falsely claim bankruptcy to prevent defamation lawsuits also says quite a bit about whether it is operating in a neutral, dispassionate manner.
See above.
Makes sense to me.

She has run a near-perfect campaign so far, and the DNC was a home run. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign was caught flat-footed, and they've been pretty bumbling and off-message.

Trump isn't trying to appeal to moderates and independents. This poll makes a ton of sense.
I guess you can stay home in November because she has already won. BTW the same polls had Hilary ahead by a large margin.
Argument from randU fallacy. Making up numbers and using them as 'data' won't work, Poorboy.
Fallacy fallacy

The fallacy fallacy occurs when a poster, almost always Into the Night, claims a fallacy without explaining why the fallacy occurred. This is done to avoid addressing the topic because Into the Night is unable to make a cogent argument. Into the Night accuses others of fallacies to make himself look smarter than he actually is.