Why does MAGA hate MLK day?

In fact,...I think he would strongly dislike the D party just like Alveda King Does.
So to be clear. Its NOT that you hate MLK day,...its just that you dont care about it that much. Like most people you figure if people want to celebrate it,...have at it,...if you dont,...thats fine too. Correct?

What makes you think I hate it? :laugh:

I don't care what others celebrate or not. :dunno:

If people want me to be a part of the celebration, I would join. Hey I love soul food!
Nope. Please don't shit on the memory of a great man. It's uncalled for.

YOU dont KNOW what he would have thought. YOU cant. Thats why I said "I THINK" he would have, as in my opinion,....because I cant KNOW. Nor can you or anyone else.