Every trumper is a N4T.
At least you admit you're too illiterate to comprehend written words.At least you admit your abject shame in holding your stupid Climate beliefs.
At least you admit you're too illiterate to comprehend written words.At least you admit your abject shame in holding your stupid Climate beliefs.
And yet here you are, along with your fellow idiot IBDaMoron, a couple of veritable zeroes, trying to convince everyone you're right and he's wrong.When people talk about climate change and NASA they are in fact talking about GISS run by an Englishman Gavin Schmidt. Schmidt is a mathematician and a climate modeller.
As far as YOU're concerned you can call it sock-detecting.So, chanting is not enough; you need to spam the board. Great.
These are ' Into the Nightsoil's statements 'Somebody hit Moonbat. He's stuck again.
These are ' Into the Nightsoil's statements 'Science isn't corporations, Vincy. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Science isn't a study, Vincy. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Science isn't money, Vincy. You are still ignoring the 1st law of thermodynamics.
Nonsensical phrase. No apparent coherency.
Nope. As far as I'm concerned, you're spamming the board. Is that allowed now under the new format?As far as YOU're concerned you can call it sock-detecting.
Who is Gavin Schmidt and what does he have to do with the gullibility of warmizombies? Is Schmidt one of the leftists taking full advantage of the scientific illiteracy, mathematical incompetence and logical ineptitude of leftists in general?And yet here you are, along with your fellow idiot IBDaMoron, a couple of veritable zeroes, trying to convince everyone you're right and he's wrong.![]()
So, now that we have your shame in your Climate religion covered, how are you going to proceed going forward? Will you simply OBEY repeated calls to bend over and be reamed with your new marching orders of the day? ... or will you ever DARE to break free from the bonds of your mental slavery and, gasp, learn some science and math? ... maybe even learn what science is?At least you admit you're too illiterate to comprehend written words.
Only a sock would be so concerned about the exposure of 'Into the Nightsoil' as a dumbass troll.Nope. As far as I'm concerned, you're spamming the board. Is that allowed now under the new format?
Time for a sock-wash;So, now that we have your shame in your Climate religion covered, how are you going to proceed going forward? Will you simply OBEY repeated calls to bend over and be reamed with your new marching orders of the day? ... or will you ever DARE to break free from the bonds of your mental slavery and, gasp, learn some science and math? ... maybe even learn what science is?
Naaah, who am I kidding? After all, you enjoy the over-bending and wouldn't know how to function without the daily step-by-step instructions.
Reported for quoting false statements. You should be banned scrotum breath.I wouldn't go that far. You might be intelligent enough to recognize family members, I'll give you that much.
You have 0% of the world's smart people, and you still don't know what science even is.
You can't clearly express my position ... of course, you can't clearly express three-syllable words.
Of course, the more humiliated any leftist becomes, the more he blames me (or conservatives) and needs to have me banned.Reported for quoting false statements. You should be banned scrotum breath.
Who is Gavin Schmidt and what does he have to do with the gullibility of warmizombies? Is Schmidt one of the leftists taking full advantage of the scientific illiteracy, mathematical incompetence and logical ineptitude of leftists in general?
So, now that we have your shame in your Climate religion covered, how are you going to proceed going forward? Will you simply OBEY repeated calls to bend over and be reamed with your new marching orders of the day? ... or will you ever DARE to break free from the bonds of your mental slavery and, gasp, learn some science and math? ... maybe even learn what science is?
Naaah, who am I kidding? After all, you enjoy the over-bending and wouldn't know how to function without the daily step-by-step instructions.
Meh.It was NASA's program.
They dictated the goals and specs and worked with the contractors who actually built it.
The private companies who actually assembled the space vehicles over the decades NASA was launching them from the county I grew up in, could not have built them without the deep involvement and guidance of NASA.
There would have been no space program without NASA.
I'm happy that I am able to think and learn, unlike yourself.I'm happy you enjoy yourself.
Poster ^ has gone from humorous to flat out funnyEarth is round. Denying your own posts won't work, Anchovies.
NASA didn't put men on the Moon. General Dynamics, Grumman Aircraft, and Boeing, and a few brave astronauts did.
Science isn't a government agency, Anchovies.
Climate cannot change.