Cancel 2018. 3
<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
mormon girl was the girl I dated in college for about 3 years. Yes I am single, but top is responding to fake grind in the response that you quoted.
i can't picture you dating a mormon.

mormon girl was the girl I dated in college for about 3 years. Yes I am single, but top is responding to fake grind in the response that you quoted.
you are cool grind. no doubt.
tbo....why this thread and not the other threads poet ruins? i told both poet and dune if they want to stop the constant attacks/minutia, they can PM me. neither has taken up this offer.
More masturbation coming from you? All of two fingers, on that little thing. Not enough that you're the forum pariah, but you have to insert yourself into every thread, to try to garner attention. There is no one more pathetic than you. Even righties are reading you the riot act. I see you're still stalking and obsessed. Seek help.
I don't read every thread. Poet has become increasingly annoying in my opinion. Or I just never noticed stuff. I think he used to post in current events more and now that he's posting in off topic I see him more regularly.
I dont have the time to police every instance of poet being annoying, as that would take all day. And I dont like getting dragged into flame wars where it's murky over who started what. But clearly in this specific thread, poet jumped right in and started calling volt all sorts of names, wasn't adding to the discussion at all, and was simply trolling and looking for a fight.
LOL it's funny to think that Poet's probably never been inside a pussy.
yurt it's not going to happen. Just give it up. Poet is gonna poet. Most people on this site recognize you as a good guy at the end of the day, you don't have anything to prove to anyone. We know that when push comes to shove you can be a reasonable chill dude.
yurt it's not going to happen. Just give it up. Poet is gonna poet. Most people on this site recognize you as a good guy at the end of the day, you don't have anything to prove to anyone. We know that when push comes to shove you can be a reasonable chill dude.
Speak for yourself, darlin, I find yurt to be the biggest WHINER of us all.
Speak for yourself, darlin, I find yurt to be the biggest WHINER of us all.
so you've given up on poet?
i will be honest. the guy responded to me today, after claiming for the millionthithbillionthith time he wouldn't.....his post was an insult. and he claimed i was on ignore permanently. which must be different than "never again".
point being. i think poet is reaching out. i no longer have animosity towards him. i don't know him. he is very angry. i don't know why. i post angry posts on this site...point poet is who he truly claims to be. then i will offer him a chance to know him. if he wants to turn that down, his choice.
Wow. Like you and Volt and Yurt have clean hands. It's amazing. I'm merely doing to you what you did to me. I asked you, civilly, not to bother me. And you gave some lame excuse about your role as moderator and having to disseminate info. Now here you are whining like a bitch, because I'm holding up a mirror to your face.I don't read every thread. Poet has become increasingly annoying in my opinion. Or I just never noticed stuff. I think he used to post in current events more and now that he's posting in off topic I see him more regularly.
I dont have the time to police every instance of poet being annoying, as that would take all day. And I dont like getting dragged into flame wars where it's murky over who started what. But clearly in this specific thread, poet jumped right in and started calling volt all sorts of names, wasn't adding to the discussion at all, and was simply trolling and looking for a fight.
the ball is in his court, but there is nothing you yourself can do. Given his ego and stubbornness, I doubt Poet is prepared to resolve any issues any time soon.
yurt it's not going to happen. Just give it up. Poet is gonna poet. Most people on this site recognize you as a good guy at the end of the day, you don't have anything to prove to anyone. We know that when push comes to shove you can be a reasonable chill dude.
Wow. Like you and Volt and Yurt have clean hands. It's amazing. I'm merely doing to you what you did to me. I asked you, civilly, not to bother me. And you gave some lame excuse about your role as moderator and having to disseminate info. Now here you are whining like a bitch, because I'm holding up a mirror to your face.
Annoying? Really? I find children annoying. And in my eyes, there is no more a child than you or Yurt.
the ball is in his court, but there is nothing you yourself can do. Given his ego and stubbornness, I doubt Poet is prepared to resolve any issues any time soon.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. A good guy? What with all his lying and gossiping and race baiting threads and whining , and you have the audacity to pronounce him "a good guy at the end of the day". That just beats all. A reasonable chill dude? You are so fucked up, there is no help for either of you. You're the prime example of a crazy white person.
And rather than someone calling you out for just slap each other on the back and claim what good boys you are. Fucked up.
i thought i was on permanent ignore? you repeatedly said "never" and "permanent" you are addressing one of my posts i predicted.
poet...stop the bullshit. stop the whiny i'm going to ignore you.... petulant stomping feet and actually engage me in a discussion. i think you will be surprised at how we share similar beliefs. i simply ask you don't prejudge and actually get to know me and my positions. can continue the whiny "you're on ignore" routine. your choice. i'm willing to learn more about you and engage you in discussions.