Abortion: wrong or just sort of wrong?

"Our Lord opposes the censorious spirit. "Let us therefore be lowly minded, brethren, laying aside all arrogance, and conceit, and folly, and anger, and let us do that which is written... most of all remembering the words of the Lord Jesus which he spake, teaching forbearance and brag-suffering; for thus he spake... 'As ye judge, so shall ye be judged...'"
"lowly minded" as in let's acknowledge our unworthiness and endeavor to be like Christ. Not "lowly minded" as in let's revel in carnality and insist that Jesus is there with us.
How do you explain the various Judeo-Christian positions on abortion?

Roman Catholicism & Abortion:

Roman Catholicism is popularly associated with a strict anti-abortion position, but this strictness only dates to Pope Pius XI’s 1930 encyclical Casti Connubii. Before this, there was more debate on abortion. The Bible doesn’t condemn abortion and Church tradition rarely addresses it. Early church theologians generally allow abortion in the first 3 months and prior to quickening, when the soul supposedly entered the fetus. For a long time, the Vatican refused to issue a binding position.

Protestant Christianity & Abortion:

Protestantism is perhaps one of the most diffuse and de-centralized religious traditions in the world. There is almost nothing that isn’t true of some denomination somewhere. Vocal, vociferous opposition to abortion is common in Protestant circles but support for abortion rights is also common — it’s just not as loud. There is no single Protesant position on abortion, but Protestants who oppose abortion sometimes portray themselves as the only true Christians.

Judaism & Abortion:

Ancient Judaism was naturally pro-natalist, but without a central authority dictating orthodox beliefs, there has been vigorous debate on abortion. The only scriptural mention of anything like an abortion does not treat it as murder. Jewish tradition allows for abortion for the sake of the mother because there is no soul in the first 40 days, and even in the latter stages of pregnancy, the fetus has a lower moral status than the mother. In some cases, it may even be a mitzvah, or sacred duty.

"Thou shalt not kill".

-- Exodus 20:13.
Why is abortion wrong?

Because it destroys the already developing human. Its a matter of degrees, from sperm that is squirted into a tissue to the almost born baby. That spectrum is huge, where the law draws the line is debatable. TO me its after the woman has had a chance to realize what is happening and had the chance to make an early decision.
I thought you wanted a debate. How can we debate if you don't even understand this thread?

You made a thread with two options...I'm simply disagreeing with the OP in that abortion is neither wrong or sort of wrong because the decision of whether to abort, rest with the woman because it's her body. I'm merely stating my reasons why I disagree with the OP. Obviously you're coming from a fundamental religious background in this whole issue so I'm offering the secularist point of view. The moral aspect of why abortion is wrong rest with the idea of "life begins at conception" thus my argument that if life begins at conception, then what is the difference between that and a man ejaculating wasting millions of "living organisms" for the sole purpose of ecstasy? Obviously you have no counter to this otherwise we'd get beyond the stupidity of your insults.
ONe could argue that masterbating instead of copulating is wrong.

That is my point. Masturbation and the "wasting" of living organisms can be arguably and equally as wrong as copulating and later aborting a 4 week old fetus.
Because it destroys the already developing human. Its a matter of degrees, from sperm that is squirted into a tissue to the almost born baby. That spectrum is huge, where the law draws the line is debatable. TO me its after the woman has had a chance to realize what is happening and had the chance to make an early decision.

But when a sperm fertilizes the egg it is not a human.
but Sunny D.... it is when that sperm punches into the ovum.... that magic moment.... from that moment on, it's a whole new ballgame to the pro-lifers. Even though that zygote has ZERO sentience...even though the Bible itself does not hold that moment as something holy and magical, today's Bible thumping pro-lifers KNOW that it somehow is.

There is no middle ground for any of them... there is no willingness to see abortions legal but rare.... there is only calling a woman a murderer for flushing that clump of unwanted un-sentient cells out of her body.

There is no debating this issue with them... there is only agreeing with them or feeling their righteous condemnation.
but Sunny D.... it is when that sperm punches into the ovum.... that magic moment.... from that moment on, it's a whole new ballgame to the pro-lifers. Even though that zygote has ZERO sentience...even though the Bible itself does not hold that moment as something holy and magical, today's Bible thumping pro-lifers KNOW that it somehow is.

There is no middle ground for any of them... there is no willingness to see abortions legal but rare.... there is only calling a woman a murderer for flushing that clump of unwanted un-sentient cells out of her body.

There is no debating this issue with them... there is only agreeing with them or feeling their righteous condemnation.

That is true and that is what I gather from Granule's stupid thread.
Generally, I do view abortion as wrong. Perhaps my conservative roots are talking, but I would say that to deprive a human being of their one chance to live - even if they aren't aware of it, as in the case of a fetus - is a tragedy, in my estimation. However, my view is purely philosophical, and I would not expect or even want my view to be forced onto others; furthermore, the rights of a woman ultimately trump that of a fetus. It is for this reason that I'm pro-choice... at least legally speaking, within the first trimester.
Generally, I do view abortion as wrong. Perhaps my conservative roots are talking, but I would say that to deprive a human being of their one chance to live - even if they aren't aware of it, as in the case of a fetus - is a tragedy, in my estimation. However, my view is purely philosophical, and I would not expect or even want my view to be forced onto others; furthermore, the rights of a woman ultimately trump that of a fetus. It is for this reason that I'm pro-choice... at least legally speaking, within the first trimester.

I see your point but there are instances where children are born into aweful conditions which we would conclude that it would've been best they weren't born.