And now on to better things. Like the Yankees Beating the Redsox

$1800? What are you talking about?...

...I am nearly 60 years old... and I am saying that I can kick your ignorant redneck ass all over any golf course in Maine... if you want to see if you can show that is not the case, it will cost you match play, $100 a hole......

$18 x $100 = $1800.

Now, the bet that you are backing away from:

I'll bet you $100 that you won't be anywhere near as good a skier as you are today when you get to be MY age OR Kerry's age. and I'll STILL be a better golfer than you are even then. ...
$18 x $100 = $1800.

Now, the bet that you are backing away from:

clearly, you are a simpleton and don't have a clue how match play works. I predict we won't have to play 18 holes. And If we did play all 18 holes, the most either of us could lose - or win - would be $100. In fact, I predict we will only have to play ten holes as I will win all ten... the match will be over and I will have won the match "ten and eight"... and you will owe me $1000.

as to the other bet, I am not backing away at all. I just have no intention of giving my money to anyone to "hold" prior to such a time as I might actually owe it. If you don't want to enter into that wager, that's fine with me.
clearly, you are a simpleton and don't have a clue how match play works. I predict we won't have to play 18 holes. And If we did play all 18 holes, the most either of us could lose - or win - would be $100. In fact, I predict we will only have to play ten holes as I will win all ten... the match will be over and I will have won the match "ten and eight"... and you will owe me $1000.

as to the other bet, I am not backing away at all. I just have no intention of giving my money to anyone to "hold" prior to such a time as I might actually owe it. If you don't want to enter into that wager, that's fine with me.
Clearly you don't know how a bet among folks that you don't trust works. You give your $100 to a trusted third party, same as I. When the issue is settled, the winner takes all. This enforces honesty.

Since this is unacceptable to you, I can only conclude that you are a coward, or are lying in that you have no intention of making the pay-out.
Clearly you don't know how a bet among folks that you don't trust works. You give your $100 to a trusted third party, same as I. When the issue is settled, the winner takes all. This enforces honesty.

Since this is unacceptable to you, I can only conclude that you are a coward, or are lying in that you have no intention of making the pay-out.
Like I said... you are a simpleton who doesn't know shit about golf or the rules of match play... and I really don't CARE if you trust me or not. I certainly don't trust anyone on here enough to give them my money to hold...that is for sure. If you want to enter into the wager, do it...if not, don't. It matters little to me.
Like I said... you are a simpleton who doesn't know shit about golf or the rules of match play... and I really don't CARE if you trust me or not. I certainly don't trust anyone on here enough to give them my money to hold...that is for sure. If you want to enter into the wager, do it...if not, don't. It matters little to me.
If you're not willing to put your wager up, then why make a bet?

Obviously you're just full of shit.
Maineman, do you wish to brag about your expertise in other sports? :)

I don't "brag" about my expertise in ANY sport. At my age, golf is about the only sport that I participate in... and I hold my own... no bragging there...just fact. I merely said that I was certain enough about my level of skill in golf - and my available disposable income - to make a wager with you on an 18 hole match, $100 a hole. you indicated that you might need as many as three days of practice before you entered into such a match, but now seem to have backed away from it. That's fine. I can understand that. I certainly wouldn't attempt to compete with you in skiing, or coon hunting, or frog gigging, or any of the assorted "sports" in which you are, no doubt, quite skilled.

What are you? about 40? I'll make that same wager with you in golf fifteen years from now when you are nearly my age now and I am nearly 75.... but we'll play the match at the Jack Nicklaus Course in Merida, Mexico. that should give you plenty of days to practice up.
I don't "brag" about my expertise in ANY sport. At my age, golf is about the only sport that I participate in... and I hold my own... no bragging there...just fact. I merely said that I was certain enough about my level of skill in golf - and my available disposable income - to make a wager with you on an 18 hole match, $100 a hole. you indicated that you might need as many as three days of practice before you entered into such a match, but now seem to have backed away from it. That's fine. I can understand that. I certainly wouldn't attempt to compete with you in skiing, or coon hunting, or frog gigging, or any of the assorted "sports" in which you are, no doubt, quite skilled.

What are you? about 40? I'll make that same wager with you in golf fifteen years from now when you are nearly my age now and I am nearly 75.... but we'll play the match at the Jack Nicklaus Course in Merida, Mexico. that should give you plenty of days to practice up.

Again, I'd rather have my teeth drilled than play golf, especially with you. The "sport" is too slow, and you're just, well, creepy. Thanks for the invite though.

No, I'll stick with my athletic pursuits, and compare my proficiency at my chosen sport with your proficiency in yours.
Again, I'd rather have my teeth drilled than play golf, especially with you. The "sport" is too slow, and you're just, well, creepy. Thanks for the invite though.

No, I'll stick with my athletic pursuits, and compare my proficiency at my chosen sport with your proficiency in yours.

compare your proficiency in your chosen sport with my proficiency in my chosen sport when you are MY age. that would be more appropriate, wouldn't it? you even said that in your sport, there are age brackets. Tell me how good a skier you are when YOU are 59. I can wait.
and you have proven the same to me... yet, nonetheless, I am still willing to enter into the wager and will remain hopeful that if and when you lose, you will pay up. Up to you.
I'll respond to this only if you have something new to offer. *shrug*
compare your proficiency in your chosen sport with my proficiency in my chosen sport when you are MY age. that would be more appropriate, wouldn't it? you even said that in your sport, there are age brackets. Tell me how good a skier you are when YOU are 59. I can wait.
You didn't have to wait long. Here's the handicap chart here:


Now assuming that I don't improve within my bracket by the time I am 59, my equivalent handicap would be 3 points higher, or 10. By comparison, a golf handicap of 1, compared with a national best of -8, is 9/72 = 12.5.

So even if your average handicap was 1, which of course it ain't even close, I'd still have you beat. LOL
assuming you don't improve? :lmao:

how about assuming that your proficiency will degrade with age?

Like I said.... let's not assume anything. You tell me how good you ARE when you are 59.

and learn to resize graphics so they don't fuck up threads....moron
assuming you don't improve? :lmao:

how about assuming that your proficiency will degrade with age?

Like I said.... let's not assume anything. You tell me how good you ARE when you are 59.

and learn to resize graphics so they don't fuck up threads....moron

Actually, what I said was: "assuming that I don't improve within my bracket". The chart assumes a three point deficiency within the age parameters being discussed. So again, I win, and you lose. :)
Actually, what I said was: "assuming that I don't improve within my bracket". The chart assumes a three point deficiency within the age parameters being discussed. So again, I win, and you lose. :)

"the chart assumes"

call me when you get to 59 and we'll see how well those assumptions have held up, junior.

and again, and finally.... I really really really don't give a flying fuck if you think that you are a better skier than I am a golfer or whether you think that you will BE a better skier at some point in the future than I am a good golfer now.... it is apples and oranges.

Clearly, you know that you are not going to be able - at ANY point in the future - to beat me at golf, and I know that I have ZERO inclination to strap on skis for any reason ever in my lifetime....

are we done now?

you creepy obsessive, internet stalking, loser without a life from the beautiful yadkin county?

I sure as hell hope so.

don't you have playgrounds to go compete at?:pke: