Anyone from coastal NC,SC, GA area?

When Puerto Rico starts contributing to the pot at the level they want to take from it, they'll get attention. Until then, they got more than they deserved.

You obviously don't have any idea, once again, what you're blatherng onward about. You're thinking of our southern states.
You obviously don't have any idea, once again, what you're blatherng onward about. You're thinking of our southern states.

All those blacks in those southern states should start doing for themselves instead of relying on white people to do for them.

Georgia 2nd District - 23.4% use of food stamps. 52% black. Represented by a black Democrat.


Georgia 6th District - 5.4% use of food stamps. 61% white. Represented by a white, female, Republican.

Mississippi 2nd District - 22.4% use of food stamps. 64% black. Represented by a black Democrat.


Mississippi 1st District - 12.5% use of food stamps. 71% white. Represented by white Republican.

South Carolina 6th District - 23.3% use of food stamps. 57% black. Represented by a black Democrat


South Carolina 1st District - 7.5% use of food stamps. 75% white. Represented by a white Republican.

All that to show that the blacker the district, the greater the use of food stamps.
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Hope they are prepared or have a way out should it be necessary.

They're prepared and live in study homes.. It looks like it will land a bit north of Charleston.. Myrtle Beach or Wilmington, but it will still be bad.. especially if it stalls inland and just rains like hell. They have until morning to leave.
All those blacks in those southern states should start doing for themselves instead of relying on white people to do for them.

Georgia 2nd District - 23.4% use of food stamps. 52% black. Represented by a black Democrat.


Georgia 6th District - 5.4% use of food stamps. 61% white. Represented by a white, female, Republican.

Mississippi 2nd District - 22.4% use of food stamps. 64% black. Represented by a black Democrat.


Mississippi 1st District - 12.5% use of food stamps. 71% white. Represented by white Republican.

South Carolina 6th District - 23.3% use of food stamps. 57% black. Represented by a black Democrat


South Carolina 1st District - 7.5% use of food stamps. 75% white. Represented by a white Republican.

All that to show that the blacker the district, the greater the use of food stamps.

Hurricanes cost a lot of money.. up front.. Lots of people, black and white, live from paycheck to paycheck.
Oh no! Do you have a place to go? Pets you need to bring along? You can come stay up here with us. We never get 'canes. lol

LOL thanks but a wee bit far to travel. We will stick it out. The biggest unknown is where this thing will stall out. That is where the mega flooding will happen with nothing coming in to push it toward the swamp known as DC. In some ways we are better off. The northeast side of these storms is where the nasty happens. Better to take a direct hit on the center than have that thing sliding under you.
They're prepared and live in study homes.. It looks like it will land a bit north of Charleston.. Myrtle Beach or Wilmington, but it will still be bad.. especially if it stalls inland and just rains like hell. They have until morning to leave.

That is a good size cone. Where she makes landfall is only a small part of the picture as you know.
That is a good size cone. Where she makes landfall is only a small part of the picture as you know.

I was living on the beach in Charleston when Hugo hit and evacuated inland and north about 100 miles.. Damed storm did a dogleg and went to Charlotte right thru my safe rural cabin.
Hurricanes cost a lot of money.. up front.. Lots of people, black and white, live from paycheck to paycheck.

Appears to me as if lots of people rely on someone else to provide them with a basic need that is their responsibility to provide to themselves. There are 45 congressional districts where more than 1 in 5 demand someone else feed them.

Are they living paycheck to paycheck because they don't have money or because they don't know how to manage it? There is a difference.

As far as both black and white, I agree a lot do that. However, when it comes to food stamps, 1 in 3 1/2 blacks do vs. 1 in 12 - 13 whites.
I was living on the beach in Charleston when Hugo hit and evacuated inland and north about 100 miles.. Damed storm did a dogleg and went to Charlotte right thru my safe rural cabin.

I hate when hurricanes do things like that!
Appears to me as if lots of people rely on someone else to provide them with a basic need that is their responsibility to provide to themselves. There are 45 congressional districts where more than 1 in 5 demand someone else feed them.

Are they living paycheck to paycheck because they don't have money or because they don't know how to manage it? There is a difference.

As far as both black and white, I agree a lot do that. However, when it comes to food stamps, 1 in 3 1/2 blacks do vs. 1 in 12 - 13 whites.

There are lots of working poor in the Carolinas.... and lots of seniors on food stamps.
There are lots of working poor in the Carolinas.... and lots of seniors on food stamps.

What they should be working on is how to feed themselves and stop demanding someone else do it for them.

For FY 2016, 45% on food stamps were between 18 and 59. The percentage that were kids were the responsibility of their own parents to feed not someone else that didn't produce the kids or choose to have those particular ones. As for those 60 and older, same thing as the kids. It's not my responsibility to take care of someone else's parents.

On a side note, why don't you work you way to the SC coast and help your kids pack. I suggest going late Thursday evening or early Friday morning.
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I was living on the beach in Charleston when Hugo hit and evacuated inland and north about 100 miles.. Damed storm did a dogleg and went to Charlotte right thru my safe rural cabin.

I was in north Charleston , working for Bosch when Hugo hit what a mess this will be my 8th hurricane NY SC and NC
I was in north Charleston , working for Bosch when Hugo hit what a mess this will be my 8th hurricane NY SC and NC

Remember when the President came on TV at a home in Summerville? That was my in laws place.

Hugo was awful.. Florence may be worse.