Heisman Voting

OK, I'm going to go o/t here again, because I do love to talk football and I don't get much of an opportunity to do it...me being a woman and all.

In case you haven't noticed, I am not exactly a big fan of the spread offense. Don't get me wrong, I like scoring and a good pass play as much as the next guy, but come on...who doesn't love a good defensive battle? Or a blood and guts slugfest in the trenches? I like power football. I love the option! Give me a split back veer anyday. I like it when they line up double tight and ram it down the defense's throat!

I don't mind opening up the running game with some pass plays. I love a good pop pass over the middle to the tight end. But, they say when you throw the ball only three things can happen, and two of them are bad! I like a good bootleg...it helps your running game!

I guess I just miss the old days. My beloved Red Raiders run the spread offense as good as anyone, but I miss the old Spike Dykes days of power football. We might of sucked, but we played real ball! Someone bring back the wishbone!!

OK, I got that off my chest and feel much better for it. Back to our regularly scheduled program...
OK, I'm going to go o/t here again, because I do love to talk football and I don't get much of an opportunity to do it...me being a woman and all.

In case you haven't noticed, I am not exactly a big fan of the spread offense. Don't get me wrong, I like scoring and a good pass play as much as the next guy, but come on...who doesn't love a good defensive battle? Or a blood and guts slugfest in the trenches? I like power football. I love the option! Give me a split back veer anyday. I like it when they line up double tight and ram it down the defense's throat!

I don't mind opening up the running game with some pass plays. I love a good pop pass over the middle to the tight end. But, they say when you throw the ball only three things can happen, and two of them are bad! I like a good bootleg...it helps your running game!

I guess I just miss the old days. My beloved Red Raiders run the spread offense as good as anyone, but I miss the old Spike Dykes days of power football. We might of sucked, but we played real ball! Someone bring back the wishbone!!

OK, I got that off my chest and feel much better for it. Back to our regularly scheduled program...

You are a woman?? When a woman says things like "Give me a split back veer anyday" or "Someone bring back the wishbone!!", it makes my heart flutter and my knees get weak.

You would have made a great Crimson Tide fan. :lov1:
OK, I'm going to go o/t here again, because I do love to talk football and I don't get much of an opportunity to do it...me being a woman and all.

In case you haven't noticed, I am not exactly a big fan of the spread offense. Don't get me wrong, I like scoring and a good pass play as much as the next guy, but come on...who doesn't love a good defensive battle? Or a blood and guts slugfest in the trenches? I like power football. I love the option! Give me a split back veer anyday. I like it when they line up double tight and ram it down the defense's throat!

I don't mind opening up the running game with some pass plays. I love a good pop pass over the middle to the tight end. But, they say when you throw the ball only three things can happen, and two of them are bad! I like a good bootleg...it helps your running game!

I guess I just miss the old days. My beloved Red Raiders run the spread offense as good as anyone, but I miss the old Spike Dykes days of power football. We might of sucked, but we played real ball! Someone bring back the wishbone!!

OK, I got that off my chest and feel much better for it. Back to our regularly scheduled program...
Woody would have loved you. Three yards and a cloud of dust. Ya'll knows whats comming but we can execute it so well you can't stop us.

I think the competitions committee in the NFL has gone to far with all the rules changes that benefit the passing game at the expense of defense. What's truely amazing is that with all emphasis on the passing game in the modern era and all the passing numbers they pile up, it's the teams that can consistantly run the ball and dominate on defense that win championships.
You are a woman?? When a woman says things like "Give me a split back veer anyday" or "Someone bring back the wishbone!!", it makes my heart flutter and my knees get weak.

You would have made a great Crimson Tide fan. :lov1:
I know, the next question after that is "Can you cook?" and "Will you marry me?"
Makes sense. I know they always talk about how much faster the game is and I am sure reading coverages gets a lot tougher. These guys that come from a spread offense are at even more of a disadvantage. They rarely get under center so when they have to start taking 3, 5, 7 step drops, they have even less time to read coverage, check off, and go through their progressions. So a QB that puts up huge numbers in college running a spread offense is less likely to make it in the NFL.

that is the sexiest thing I've ever read from a woman.:eek:
I look back to the greatest Bama games, and I see defensive domination.

Yes, we had Joe Namath, Bart Starr, Ken Stabler, and Shaun Alexander and some good solid offense.

But those massive defensive shutdowns and battles are the games I get goosebumps over. The '92 Sugar Bowl, the goalline stand in the '79 Sugar Bowl. The comeback against Tennessee when threatened to make the team run home at halftime. The days of Leroy Jordan, Cornelius Bennett, Derrick Thomas, Bob Baumhower, Marty Lyons, Barry Krauss, George Teague, and the rest of the greats just make being a Tide fan worth it.
You are a woman?? When a woman says things like "Give me a split back veer anyday" or "Someone bring back the wishbone!!", it makes my heart flutter and my knees get weak.

You would have made a great Crimson Tide fan. :lov1:

I would be such an obnoxious Tide fan! I would love to talk trash about my Raiders but we run the spread and have a questionable defense. Now, if I had a team with the history and skills of Bama...people would hate me!! Especially while the Bear was coaching!! Man...
Woody would have loved you. Three yards and a cloud of dust. Ya'll knows whats comming but we can execute it so well you can't stop us.

I think the competitions committee in the NFL has gone to far with all the rules changes that benefit the passing game at the expense of defense. What's truely amazing is that with all emphasis on the passing game in the modern era and all the passing numbers they pile up, it's the teams that can consistantly run the ball and dominate on defense that win championships.

I love Woody! Athletes have it too cushy! Woody would kick their butts on and off the field! I have to say, I am a big fan of Ohio State linebackers. You almost always have linebackers that are monsters. My favorite defensive players are named Sam, Willie, and Mike!!

The emphasis on passing drives me crazy! And this Tom Brady rule? God almighty, this is football...you don't want to get hit, then don't play!! These guys get paid millions to play football! It's a contact sport! The other problem I have with this emphasis is, it is killing my favorite position, middle linebacker!

Defense wins championships, period!
I would be such an obnoxious Tide fan! I would love to talk trash about my Raiders but we run the spread and have a questionable defense. Now, if I had a team with the history and skills of Bama...people would hate me!! Especially while the Bear was coaching!! Man...

People hate us pretty often. You'd fit right in.

I was lucky enough to be a big fan and live in Tuscaloosa when I was a kid. We used to ride our bikes over to campus and watch the team practice when Bear was in his tower. He was merciless during practice. But his teams were always ready.
I love Woody! Athletes have it too cushy! Woody would kick their butts on and off the field! I have to say, I am a big fan of Ohio State linebackers. You almost always have linebackers that are monsters. My favorite defensive players are named Sam, Willie, and Mike!!

The emphasis on passing drives me crazy! And this Tom Brady rule? God almighty, this is football...you don't want to get hit, then don't play!! These guys get paid millions to play football! It's a contact sport! The other problem I have with this emphasis is, it is killing my favorite position, middle linebacker!

Defense wins championships, period!

Great linebackers are the best thing about watching football. And yeah, Woody was one of the tough old school coaches.
I love Woody! Athletes have it too cushy! Woody would kick their butts on and off the field! I have to say, I am a big fan of Ohio State linebackers. You almost always have linebackers that are monsters. My favorite defensive players are named Sam, Willie, and Mike!!

The emphasis on passing drives me crazy! And this Tom Brady rule? God almighty, this is football...you don't want to get hit, then don't play!! These guys get paid millions to play football! It's a contact sport! The other problem I have with this emphasis is, it is killing my favorite position, middle linebacker!

Defense wins championships, period!
Why thank you! Right now I'm preening in reflected glory because one of OSU's insidne linebackers, Ross Homan, is a graduate of my high school alma matter.

Probably the most popular defensive player in Ohio State history is Chris Speilman. Not just for his performance so much as the passion in which he played the game. I liked Butkus and Bergy and Taylor and Romanowski for the same reasons. Crazy guys who like to hit and fly all over the field with that inate instinct for the ball.

One of my all time favorite players and one of the most unheralded was Tim Krumrie. To small, to slow, not quick enough but just beastly in attitude, outstanding technique and his britches full of the nasties. How many nose tackles have ever lead their team in tackles? I loved watching Timmy play. :)
People hate us pretty often. You'd fit right in.

I was lucky enough to be a big fan and live in Tuscaloosa when I was a kid. We used to ride our bikes over to campus and watch the team practice when Bear was in his tower. He was merciless during practice. But his teams were always ready.
Yea Woody was that way too. Luck = preparation + oppurtunity. He was also one of the first big time college coaches to have an exercise physiologist on his staff. He knew how to train athletes scientifically and was one of the first to systematically introduce interval training, strength and conditioning programs, active recovery and plyometrics. Woody was just absolutely intolerant of mistakes. Drill, drill, drill, till you get it right and do it right every time.

One of the other great things about Woody was that he didn't place himself above his peers at his institution. He refused big pay raises (and caught hell from from other coaches about this) becuase he didn't think a football coach should make more than a Nobel Prize winning scientist. I think when Woody was fired his annual salary was under $30,000/year. Most people don't know that Woody taught at OSU and was a tenured Professor of Physical Education and that he also taught military history. In the off season he always took his lunch at the faculty cafeteria. He never placed himself above his peers. So unlike many coaches who are not particularly popular with the faculty, Woody was well regarded and highly respected as an educator.

It was also common that when Woody would visit a recruit he rarely talked about football. He talked passionately about what a great educational institution OSU was and what a great education that student would recieve. Needless to say that impressed the hell out of parents. He also called him self Noter Dame's best recruiter. Western Ohio has a substantial catholic population and when some recruit would tell Woody he was interested in Noter Dame Woody would tell him to go there if he could becuase it was a great school and he'd recieve a great education. Woody's motivation was that he didn't want create a divide between Catholics and the rest of the state. That's why he never would schedule a game agasint Noter Dame.
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Great linebackers are the best thing about watching football. And yeah, Woody was one of the tough old school coaches.
Woody was tough but actually Woody was not as "old school" as people think he was. Oh granted he was conservative in play calling and he was not great strategist when it came to X's and O's but he was very open minded to adopting new training, conditioning, nutritional, sports medicine and other innovations.
Woody was tough but actually Woody was not as "old school" as people think he was. Oh granted he was conservative in play calling and he was not great strategist when it came to X's and O's but he was very open minded to adopting new training, conditioning, nutritional, sports medicine and other innovations.

Any coach worth his salt was open-minded about new techniques, training methods and the like. I had read somewhere that Woody was one of the first to use interval training.

But I meant "old school" in that he didn't coddle his players and he expected 100% effort at every practice and in every game.
Mott, was in Death Valley when Spellman lead buckeyes came calling. He's the best LB I've seen thier in my 30 plus years of going. He must have had 40 tackles that day. Announcer soundede like a broken record "tackle Spellman" both sidelines up and down the field. Only guy who came close is the Ole Miss LB now at San Fran. I suspect next year the Alabama beast will come close.
Any coach worth his salt was open-minded about new techniques, training methods and the like. I had read somewhere that Woody was one of the first to use interval training.

But I meant "old school" in that he didn't coddle his players and he expected 100% effort at every practice and in every game.
Actually interval training has been around about as long as football (remember gassers?). What Woody did was combined interval training with active recovery based on research by work physiologist at Ohio State who suggested this approach to him. Interval training with out active recovery is not nearly as affective. The reason why most coaches resisted implementing the active recovery aspect of interval training is that it seems so counter intuitive. Most coaches of that day had a "More is better" mindset. This is also why anabolic steroids are so popular with athletes (and coaches) because by utilizing them you can bypass the need for active recovery. An approach that is good short term with seriously bad long term consequences.

I could go on for hours on this topic. I love physiology. :)
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