I have a dilemma

Don't a lot of manufacturers in states like CA sell modified firearms wherever fascists craft their bans around the caliber? I know there was recently a thread about this, although I believe the article featured NY.

Yup, cali compliance is easy, if costly, to get around. Of course there is currently a de facto bannon pistols at the moment because none exist that are capable of microstamping. It's going to go to court, and get swatted down. And know how retarded Cali is, they'll appeal that shit up to the USSC and get their shit slapped even harder. Which is great because we need more precedent on our side.
Not really cause hard working latinos get preyed on by the same individuals. Also spare me the racist bull. I get called "nigger" all the time by patients and visitors. I hold no animosity, I reserve that for idiots.

Your post is about possibly becoming a victim of gang violence but because you mentioned that these particular gangs are Hispanic, usf will be following you around and calling you a racist until doomsday plus one. Believe me, we AOLers have also been on the receiving end of this shit for years and it never ends. :(
It's nice to know you wish my life to end that is very humane of you. But I gurantee I can shoot better than 99.9999% of the "homies" and in fact the techniques that Erika and Cory use on handgun shooting I've incorporated so I doubt any "homies" would have a chance. In fact I'm willing to bet my life once the "homies" see their friend fall with 5 bullet wounds in his face they'll most likely run away so please keep reading the papers. The whole point of this thread is for me desiring to avoid such a situation.
Gun nut alert on isle 2
It's nice to know you wish my life to end that is very humane of you. But I gurantee I can shoot better than 99.9999% of the "homies" and in fact the techniques that Erika and Cory use on handgun shooting I've incorporated so I doubt any "homies" would have a chance. In fact I'm willing to bet my life once the "homies" see their friend fall with 5 bullet wounds in his face they'll most likely run away so please keep reading the papers. The whole point of this thread is for me desiring to avoid such a situation.
What's up George z wannabe
Get serious, Toppy's not a racist.
Oh yes he is. Just look at the subtle language he uses to deride SD. Sure, he won't come out and say it openly, but anyone with a keen eye can see it. Top thinks he is inherently better, because he's rich and white.
Your post is about possibly becoming a victim of gang violence but because you mentioned that these particular gangs are Hispanic, usf will be following you around and calling you a racist until doomsday plus one. Believe me, we AOLers have also been on the receiving end of this shit for years and it never ends. :(

Yeah, I guess gang members are supposed to be transparent in ethnic identity, and yes Christie that was my entire point. Not being a victim.
Get serious, Toppy's not a racist.

If we are going to use the term 'white privilege' this seems a perfect example to me. You have a white millionaire calling a young black male a 'gun nut' and a wanna be George Zimmerman because he's lives in a gang neighborhood where young black men have known to be targeted and murdered and he wants to protect himself?
What's up George z wannabe

You know I had respect for you before but now it seems like USF, you've fallen off the deep end. So what do you expect me to do? Should I just allow myself to be a victim? Gangs out here don't give a fuck out here if you're a student or if you work for a living. Taxi Cab out here charge a minimum of $10, and I refuse to pay $50 per week to go 2 blocks. As for the Zimmerman reference, sorry I wont shoot an unarmed kid, but if they want to knuckle up 1 on 1 I'm all for it but gang members don't fight 1 on 1 and they don't like taking loses which results in them lying going back to their homies saying they got jumped. I mean if you're young and dumb and gang banging its embarrassing to get beat up by a guy with a suit and tie.

I'm 6'0 230lbs these kids are 5'5 maybe 110lbs, I punch one of them in the chest they'll crumble. They see these kids wont fight fair but despite all that despite me minding my business and just wanting to go home, what do you expect me to do?
If we are going to use the term 'white privilege' this seems a perfect example to me. You have a white millionaire calling a young black male a 'gun nut' and a wanna be George Zimmerman because he's lives in a gang neighborhood where young black men have known to be targeted and murdered and he wants to protect himself?

You know I'm the same way when I'm on 36th and Vermont or on Adams right by school. LAPD that patrols around campus can't be everywhere
You know I'm the same way when I'm on 36th and Vermont or on Adams right by school. LAPD that patrols around campus can't be everywhere

It's unfortunate that reality calls for you to always be on alert like that but since it is you have to do what you must to protect yourself.
It's unfortunate that reality calls for you to always be on alert like that but since it is you have to do what you must to protect yourself.

It's mostly where I live bro. I'm looking to move as we speak. My car is almost done. Fixing a 2012 dodge charge is expensive
You know I had respect for you before but now it seems like USF, you've fallen off the deep end. So what do you expect me to do? Should I just allow myself to be a victim? Gangs out here don't give a fuck out here if you're a student or if you work for a living. Taxi Cab out here charge a minimum of $10, and I refuse to pay $50 per week to go 2 blocks. As for the Zimmerman reference, sorry I wont shoot an unarmed kid, but if they want to knuckle up 1 on 1 I'm all for it but gang members don't fight 1 on 1 and they don't like taking loses which results in them lying going back to their homies saying they got jumped. I mean if you're young and dumb and gang banging its embarrassing to get beat up by a guy with a suit and tie.

I'm 6'0 230lbs these kids are 5'5 maybe 110lbs, I punch one of them in the chest they'll crumble. They see these kids wont fight fair but despite all that despite me minding my business and just wanting to go home, what do you expect me to do?
See what I mean about him being a racist?
It's mostly where I live bro. I'm looking to move as we speak. My car is almost done. Fixing a 2012 dodge charge is expensive

I get that. South Central is no joke. I grew up in a safe part of Oakland. I has a couple of friends though that lived in the HOOD. Visiting there was quite the experience.