This whole issue of letters being sent to make people prove their residency or what not is something that happened in either Ohio or Florida too (I can't remember). The RNC sent out a letter telling people something like "welcome, new voter" to newly registered people they wanted to target. Then if they didn't return the letter or call a number or whatever and didn't prove that they were at the address on their registration card, then they were challenged and were forced to cast provisional ballots that were never counted.
This seems like an attenuation of that, to me. I mean, the fact that someone's got the same name and birthday is not reason enough to purge them from a voting list. Seriously. I went to a Wallgreens the other day and told them my name and birthday, and they asked if I lived in Nebraska. They then told me that there is another man with my exact name living in Nebraska who also frequents the Wallgreens pharmacy system.
If I lived in LA and that guy registered to vote, I would probably be purged from a list. In fact, I haven't updated my registration card yet and I moved a few weeks ago, so I'd never get the letter telling me to prove my residency.
I would not be able to vote.
This is bullshit.