Most of you cannot pass this test to graduate from the eighth grade.

I never claimed I took the picture myself, dumbfuck. You just assumed that.

The only thing I can guess is that someone was compiling pictures and data for a book about America's white, rural lower class trash when they came to your neighborhood and found you there, drunk in the middle of the day as usual and blabbering a lot of senseless, drunken garbage over the phone.

Probably boasting about your imaginary gun collection, like the cowardly peckerwood trash you are.

I neve said you took the picture. YOU posted it claiming it was me. That's all that matters, nigger.

It's quite clear why you refuse to show up. A man would have. A pussy like you hasn't and won't because he doesn't have the guts.
I neve(r) said you took the picture. YOU posted it claiming it was me. That's all that matters, nigger.

It's quite clear why you refuse to show up. A man would have. A pussy like you hasn't and won't because he doesn't have the guts.

Read your own post, dumbass peckerwood hickbilly. :palm:
Read your own post, dumbass peckerwood hickbilly. :palm:

Whether you took it or not, YOU posted it presenting it as me. That's all that matters. That means you claim to know where I am. The rest is nothing more than cowardly excuses on your part.
Whether you took it or not, YOU posted it presenting it as me. That's all that matters. That means you claim to know where I am. The rest is nothing more than cowardly excuses on your part.

Your weak-ass attempt at logic is just like you...


Back asswards.
Says the coward that won't stand behind what he posted. I knew it. Given a chance you'd act like the pussy you were raised to be.

Post your name, home address and pictures of you and your supposed gun collection if you're such a big man.

Why won't you do it? Why don't you act like the man you claim to be?

You call me a pussy, but you're the one being a pussy.
Post your name, home address and pictures of you and your supposed gun collection if you're such a big man.

Why won't you do it? Why don't you act like the man you claim to be?

You call me a pussy, but you're the one being a pussy.

You've already posted a picture you claimed was me and where I lived. If you have that, you have the address. Why haven't you shown? If you ever man up and try to take what you say I shouldn't own, you'll see it.
You've already posted a picture you claimed was me and where I lived. If you have that, you have the address. Why haven't you shown? If you ever man up and try to take what you say I shouldn't own, you'll see it.

Explain how that works, dumbass.

Tell us how having a picture of you sitting on a toilet on the front porch of your trailer means that I know the actual street address and location of the trailer.

Why are you trying so hard to twist and squirm your way out of being the man you claim to be? Why won't you post a picture of you and your imaginary gun collection?

It's because you are a spineless chickenshit pussy who doesn't even own a gun.
Explain how that works, dumbass.

Tell us how having a picture of you sitting on a toilet on the front porch of your trailer means that I know the actual street address and location of the trailer.

Why are you trying so hard to twist and squirm your way out of being the man you claim to be? Why won't you post a picture of you and your imaginary gun collection?

It's because you are a spineless chickenshit pussy who doesn't even own a gun.

I have. You're a dumbass nigger and can't understand it.

I've told you. When you're man enough to show up to a location the picture posted indicates you know, I'll show you and let you pick, too.

You've already acknowledged that I own them. Can't back out of that now, boy.
I have. You're a dumbass nigger and can't understand it.

I've told you. When you're man enough to show up to a location the picture posted indicates you know, I'll show you and let you pick, too.

You've already acknowledged that I own them. Can't back out of that now, boy.

All you do is lie everytime you post, lying dirtbag.

Either be a man and post your name, address and picture of yourself and your imaginary gun collection that doesn't even exist, or you're a limp-wristed sissy boy.
All you do is lie everytime you post, lying dirtbag.

Either be a man and post your name, address and picture of yourself and your imaginary gun collection that doesn't even exist, or you're a limp-wristed sissy boy.
Either show up to a location you've indicated you know or forever be acknowledged as another cowardly nigger too afraid to be a man.
Either show up to a location you've indicated you know or forever be acknowledged as another cowardly nigger too afraid to be a man.

Thanks for admitting you don't want me to show up because you're a coward who's too scared to back up what you say and you're embarrassed about the shitty dump you live in.

Peckerwood trash.
Thanks for admitting you don't want me to show up because you're a coward who's too scared to back up what you say and you're embarrassed about the shitty dump you live in.

Peckerwood trash.

I want you to show. I know you won't and will provide some excuse to cover for your fear.
No. It isn't. My tenth grade education was good enough to place high enough in A-school, in the military, to get to choose my duty station. One of three, in my class, given that privilege. I could have chosen anything but nuke. That's a warhead technician on a nuclear sub, BTW. I know it's galling to know that a Conservative is smarter then you, but there it is. Sucks to be you. LOL
Unfortunately, my public school education was good enough that I scored so high on the ALAT (Army Language Aptitude Test, obviously based on Esperanto) that I wasn't given any choice. I had to go into languages. When I wanted to go into IT.
He is all puffed up with pride in his singlewide

Yeah, he's puffed up alright....


...ever since he got an actual toilet and no longer had to use a hole in the ground. Called everyone he knew just to brag about it.

But if you think he's puffed up with pride now, God help us if he ever moves it indoors.
Yeah, he's puffed up alright....


...ever since he got an actual toilet and no longer had to use a hole in the ground. Called everyone he knew just to brag about it.

But if you think he's puffed up with pride now, God help us if he ever moves it indoors.

And you still refuse to show.