The most useless university degrees

We have vocational schools for people who simply want to get trained for a job.

We could just turn college engineering degrees into vocational schools if it were just about job training. But we make even engineering undergrads at accredited universities take a slew of humanities, English composition, and liberal arts electives because it is universally understood that college is about self improvement as much as it is about job training

I feel sad for those who find no beauty or value in learning about things that have nothing to do with their job. Art. Music (other than pop). Reading/literature. Other languages and cultures. Science. Religions and mythologies. Even mathematics.

What drab and colorless lives they must live.
I am starting to question if you even went to college, since you seem unaware that every undergraduate program at an accredited American university requires engineering students to get reasonably broad exposure to humanities, English, and liberal arts electives to earn a degree. And the engineering programs themselves obviously see a value is students getting broad educational exposure to humanities classes

I've already questioned if you passed reading comprehension.
I feel sad for those who find no beauty or value in learning about things that have nothing to do with their job. Art. Music (other than pop). Reading/literature. Other languages and cultures. Science. Religions and mythologies. Even mathematics.

What drab and colorless lives they must live.

You don't need to go to college to learn any of that. Ever hear of books, museums, travel? Probably not, as you are locked into your little version of the world around you lol.
I am starting to question if you even went to college, since you seem unaware that every undergraduate program at an accredited American university requires engineering students to get reasonably broad exposure to humanities, English, and liberal arts electives to earn a degree. And the engineering programs themselves obviously see a value is students getting broad educational exposure to humanities classes

It is event that he didn't
I feel sad for those who find no beauty or value in learning about things that have nothing to do with their job. Art. Music (other than pop). Reading/literature. Other languages and cultures. Science. Religions and mythologies. Even mathematics.

What drab and colorless lives they must live.

My college experience and life were immeasurably enriched by art history, English literature, sociology, in addition to chemistry, physics, calculus.

I find it is generally only rubes, and people who never actually graduated from college who show utter contempt for the humanities and social sciences.
My college experience and life were immeasurably enriched by art history, English literature, sociology, in addition to chemistry, physics, calculus.

I find it is generally only rubes, and people who never actually graduated from college who show utter contempt for the humanities and social sciences.

I see that you are still having an issue with basic reading comprehension.
I see that you are still having an issue with basic reading comprehension.

No, you were utterly contemptuous of humanities and social science education in college.

That is an attitude I rarely see in people who actually graduated from college and valued their experience there.
I am starting to question if you even went to college, since you seem unaware that every undergraduate program at an accredited American university requires engineering students to get reasonably broad exposure to humanities, English, and liberal arts electives to earn a degree. And the engineering programs themselves obviously see a value is students getting broad educational exposure to humanities classes

Those "liberal arts" things seem useless to the unimaginative, but they have brought a great deal of joy to the lives of most of us. For instance, Mr. Owl had to take some sort of electives in that realm at university. He took art history/appreciation, and another about classical music. When we travel we always hit the natural history and art museums. And we often listen to classical (my own love) music on music nights.

Not having these things to enjoy in your life is like eating a nourishing but boring diet of the same stuff, day after day.
No, you were utterly contemptuous of humanities and social science education in college.

That is an attitude I rarely see in people who actually graduated from college and valued their experience there.

"Social Science", now that's as useless as tits on a bull. Back in the day they used to teach "History".
Those "liberal arts" things seem useless to the unimaginative, but they have brought a great deal of joy to the lives of most of us. For instance, Mr. Owl had to take some sort of electives in that realm at university. He took art history/appreciation, and another about classical music. When we travel we always hit the natural history and art museums. And we often listen to classical (my own love) music on music nights.

Not having these things to enjoy in your life is like eating a nourishing but boring diet of the same stuff, day after day.

Wow. Did you drive out-of-state.
Those "liberal arts" things seem useless to the unimaginative, but they have brought a great deal of joy to the lives of most of us. For instance, Mr. Owl had to take some sort of electives in that realm at university. He took art history/appreciation, and another about classical music. When we travel we always hit the natural history and art museums. And we often listen to classical (my own love) music on music nights.

Not having these things to enjoy in your life is like eating a nourishing but boring diet of the same stuff, day after day.

See, Mr. Owl is the classic college graduate who appreciated the college experience and used the opportunity to become a well rounded individual.

My brother got degrees in chemical and electrical engineering, but his first love was history. He would never be caught showing contempt for the liberal arts disciplines.
Wow. Did you drive out-of-state.


Software engineers with actual degrees can afford such things. So can nurses. :laugh:
I had a friend who went to one of these college where you make up your own major, he got a degree in frisbee, he makes tons of money working for Wham-O.

He also wrote a book on the history and social implications of frisbee, made a lot of money studying something he loves.