Because of the Money Class war of course.
Placing children in private schools has always been a Religious decision, or a decision based upon the ability to be able to afford Private Schools.
Most Independent School districts are partially Federally Funded.
The Republicans have been trying to stop the Federally Funding of Public Schools ever since the Government has been Federally Funding Public Schools.
What the Republicans want instead, is a handout from the Federal government in the way of a Federal Income Tax Voucher to pay for their children's PRIVATE SCHOOL educations.
Average costs of Private Schools range from $20k to 30K a year for each student.
So if you had 3 children attending private schools, it is easily at least $60K annually.
Most parents do not even, make this kind of money!
And the American Government cannot afford to put every child through private schools through School Vouchers.
And there is just no way, that there are enough classrooms for every child to even attend Private Schools.
SO you can see how crazy and self-interest the REPUBLICANS ARE- in even proposing such a moronic self-centered idea!
It's the same old idea that Rich people can afford to put their children through college and FUCK YOU- if you can't!
It's a CLASS WAR- that was started by our so often revered and praised forefathers- that only allowed Land Owners the right to vote- AND FUCK EVERYBODY ELSE!