Tales of the gun

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So the government only takes justifiable action, which means your posting on the internet is no threat to anyone?
20-year-old Jayme Wray had gone to visit some friends at their Nashville, Tennessee apartment.

21-year-old Cody Hess had a loaded, unlocked 9mm handgun under a pillow on his bed.

When he went to move the gun he unintentionally discharged the weapon.

Jayme was shot in the back.

By the time paramedics arrived, Jayme was dead.

20-year-old Jayme Wray had gone to visit some friends at their Nashville, Tennessee apartment.

21-year-old Cody Hess had a loaded, unlocked 9mm handgun under a pillow on his bed.

When he went to move the gun he unintentionally discharged the weapon.

Jayme was shot in the back.

By the time paramedics arrived, Jayme was dead.


Then young Jayme was an idiot and was too stupid to own a gun. Consider this chlorine in the gene pool.
A 12-year-old girl found a loaded handgun on top of a toilet paper dispenser in the women's restroom at a Wal-Mart store in Winchester, Virginia.

The girl gave the gun to her father, who is an employee at the store. He brought the .38-caliber Taurus revolver to the customer service desk.

The owner of the gun, 49-year-old Tammy Renea Costello told police that her purse had tipped over while she was using the bathroom and the contents spilled over the floor.

She put the contents back in her bag but forgot to take the gun.

She did not notice that the handgun was missing until she was almost home. She went back to the store to look for it, but the store had already turned the gun over to the Sheriff.

Joshua Wilkinson of Boonville, Indiana went to the Tri-State Gun and Knife Show at the Evansville National Guard Armory.

He was looking for a holster for his .45-caliber handgun.

Obeying the gun show rules before entering the arena with his handgun, he removed the ammunition and applied a zip tie to the trigger of the gun so it couldn't fire.

After Wilkinson purchased a new holster he decided to remove the zip tie and reload the gun while still inside the show.

When Wilkinson tried to put the gun into his new holster he unintentionally fired the gun.

When the bullet hit the concrete floor it fragmented injuring a 72-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy.

A 22-year-old Gorham, New Hampshire man brought his handgun to a party at a friend's house to show it off.

As he was showing the gun around he unintentionally discharged the firearm, shooting himself in the chest.

David Motel was visiting a friend at a nursing home in Johnstown, Pennsylvania when a .22-caliber pistol fell out of his pocket.

Motel did not notice that the gun was missing.

Six days later an employee of the nursing home spotted the gun and picked it up, thinking it was a toy gun.

The pistol was loaded with five rounds and had no trigger guard.

She unintentionally fired the gun.

The bullet went into the wall.

More examples of idiots who haven't a clue about firearms. And part of the blame for that lies with people like you and Topspin. You have continually ridiculed, mocked or made people feel as though their ownership of a gun makes them responsible for crimes committed by other people with guns.

There are some simple, basic rules for using or handling guns. If they had been obeyed none of these deaths would have happened.

I, along with my fellow "gun nuts" know these rules and love to teach others. I don't know a single shooter who would refuse to show a newcomer the basics. But it has become taboo.
Tammitha Williams was stopped at a red light in Atlanta, Georgia.

When the light turned green and she didn't move fast enough the white SUV behind her became impatient and honked his horn. Tammitha honked back, and turned the corner.

She told reporters, "the next thing I know, he's behind me, he's weaving back and forth in traffic like coming beside my car and I'm like, what's wrong with this man?

He jumped back behind me and that's when I heard the gunshot."

The bullet went through the back of her mini van, through the backseat, through the car seat where her 4-year-old son Korda was sitting, and struck Korda…

Last Halloween, 22-year-old Greyler Williams was partying with some friends at a home in Buffalo, New York.

They were passing around a handgun when Williams unintentionally discharged the gun.

The bullet passed through a wall and hit 13-year-old Jalisa Goodman in the neck.

Jalisa has been in the hospital ever since the shooting.

According to her sister Jaline "doesn't speak. She's confined to a bed or a chair, she can't walk, she can't eat regular food, she's on a tube feed. She should be out enjoying herself running track, cheerleading, doing all the things that she used to do. We don't know if she's ever able to come home."

Time to put \(\(\(\/)/)/ on IA, seeing as now all the idiot wants to do is be an asshole.
Buh Bye

Surrender accepted, US FreeDumb. Clearly your debating skills are weak. Enjoy your craven acceptance of the inevitable.

73-year-old John Dove of Madison, North Carolina was at a creek near his home shooting a .22-caliber handgun with an 11-year-old boy (news accounts do not give the boy's name or relationship to Dove).

The two returned home and Dove told the boy to clean the gun.

After cleaning the gun, the boy reloaded it, at which point he unintentionally discharged the gun.

Dove, who was standing in front of the gun, was shot in the abdomen.

A 25-year-old Jefferson County, Missouri man told police he was on his way home when he saw a man lying in a ditch by the side of the road and stopped to help him.

According to his story, the man in the ditch pulled a gun and demanded money.

The two men fought over the gun, which went off, shooting the man who had stopped to help in the hand.

However, the victim's story changed while being questioned by police.

Finally, the man admitted he had shot himself in the hand while attempting to shoot a feral cat in his yard.

12-year-old Darius Tucker and his 14-year-old half-brother found three semi-automatic handguns belonging to their mother's boyfriend in her apartment in Newburg, Kentucky.

The guns had been placed, loaded and unlocked, behind a lip on top of a 6-foot-tall entertainment center.

The boys took the guns, two .25-caliber and one 9mm, down and each took a gun and began playing with them.

Darius pointed his gun at his brother and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened.

When the older brother aimed his gun at Darius, the gun fired.

Darius died of a single gunshot wound to the chest.
