Hello and greetings Ralph,
Thanks for the reply. I disagree, but I value your right to express your view. Do you like the low prices at Walmart? How could that be possible without the dole to support so many of those workers? Why, if Walmart didn't get that corporate welfare, they might have to pay workers higher wages and raise prices. Government assistance programs have allowed families to stay together and many to work their way out of poverty and get off the dole. Sure, there are some who game the system and have bad attitudes, but there are also many who have left poverty and joined the middle class, even become rich, after getting government assistance when they most needed it.
I'm not taking your bait to go off-Topic. There are plenty of threads to discuss the differences between liberal and conservative ideology.
It has been the pressures of trying to get by in an increasingly challenging economy which have impacted American families. Mostly on the poor. Look at the rich. The rich have a lower divorce rate and a lower rate of out-of-wedlock child birth. Do you think that is all due to morals? It is because of financial security. When the home budget allows cooks, nannies and stay-at-home moms (as was once possible for the middle class) families are not under such tremendous stress.
Capitalism has made many very rich. Often that has occurred because the receivers of wealth are the beneficiaries of class-war wealth extraction. Where a family budget allows home ownership and stock market investment, the benefactors of that wealth creation are also part of wealth extraction. Anyone with holdings in the health insurance industry, for instance, is in part financing a huge wealth extraction machine. The health industry makes money by bleeding people dry of their life savings in return for saving their life. And sometimes they don't even do that, but they are willing to take everything an individual has anyway. We still have a great number of bankruptcies due to health issues. Our health care system is far from perfect as most will agree. Nations which do not treat health care as a profit-generator for the super-rich have better health care outcomes, live longer lives, and have more cohesive family values.
It is the pressures of capitalism which cause most middle class families to be two-earner families, leaving the kids on their own. If they are placated by violent movies and games, that's just capitalism making a buck on destroying values. Where are the parents who might monitor the kids? Oh yeah. Both on the job working overtime to try to keep up. Americans work more hours than most socialist countries. Q: Why do Americans work so much? A: They are afraid to not be their best on the job so they can avoid getting laid off the next time the axe swings.
Actually, capitalism did put all those extra entries on the rolls of the dole under President Obama. Without the heavy hand of strong government market regulation, capitalism shows it's ugly head in wild market swings between bull and bear. We use regulation to try to smooth that out because it surely won't happen without some socialism. Republicans killed Dodd-Frank which led to the Great Recession. Capitalism was there the whole way to soak the taxpayers for a big bail out to pay for executive bonuses and vacations. Did you think Occupy Wall Street was a fluke? That was the populace expressing anger at capitalism. That anger has not subsided. It has grown. That anger represents a sleeping giant in our political landscape. Bernie came very close to being elected. That should send a message. Ten years ago he would have been a non-starter.
Walmart? Flea Market crapola? US flags made in China or Shoes made in communist sweatshops by 8 year olds endorsed by the NBA...etc.? It was the Collusion with Big Government (Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Sam Walton) that purchased the NAFTA deal that resulted in Cheap Knock Off imitations of Name Brand goods that has resulted in the one sided trade imbalance where the American Workers are paying the price for your cheap left wing products.
Its not Capitalism that is the culprit but Big Government "overregulation" that resulted in the NEW NORMAL claimed by BHO were the GDP stagnated at an average of 1.9%. True capitalism is the engine that drives the US economy not some knockoff overregulated "left wing" ideology CHRONIE CAPITALISM WHERE BIG BROTHER GETS TO PICK WINNERS AND LOSERS AND DICTATE WHO IS TO BIG TO FAIL.
In other words.....Keynesian Economics did not work during the 30s and it sure as hell did not work in the 2000s under both Bush and Obama. The problem with this nation the fact its being led around by the nose by people who know jack shit about the private sector.
As Jeff Foxworthy declares: "We live in a country founded by Geniuses but run by IDIOTS......IF" You can get arrested for hunting without a license but not for entering the country illegally.
If your child has to get your signed permission to go on a field trip or take an OTC aspirin.....BUT NOT TO GET AN ABORTION....YOU MIGHT HAVE IDIOTS FOR LEADERS.
If you must show your ID to board a plan, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book......but consider it "intimidation" to be asked to ID yourself before you exercise the greatest right allowed in this nation......VOTING for who gets to RUN THIS NATION as its leaders, you have idiots for leaders.
Or.....if a government wants to prevent well adjusted, stable individuals from owning firearms that hold 10 rounds in their weapons, but think its OK to sell F-16 fighter jets to crazy new terror backed leaders in Egypt.....you have a nation founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
Or if you live in a liberal city where you can purchase 2, 3 or more 16 ounce colas with sugar....but you can't purchase 1 24 ounce drink because the sugar might make you fat....you live in a city run by idiots.
Or....if you go to an airport and an 80 yr. old white Christian grandmaw is singled out of the pack along with a 3 year old in a wheel chair for "strip searches" so the employees can fill their quota for the flight....but refuse to search below the neck line of a 20 something female Muslim because of her faith.....you might live in a nation run by idiots.
My favorite.....concerning IDIOT LEADERS. If you live in a country where the leaders declare the best way to "eradicate" Trillions of dollars of DEBT is to borrow Trillions more.....you live in a country of IDIOT LEADERS.
More? Your 7 year old can be suspended from school because he called his teacher "cute"........but next week the same school provides a platform for a speaker talking about accepting sexual diversity and how some students have 2 daddies or 2 mommies.....your school system is run by idiots.
If HARD WORK and SUCCESS are met by higher taxes, more regulations and government intrusion....while NOT WORKING is rewarded with cell phones, housing assistance, food stamps, money, babysitting services...etc., you are governed by IDIOTS.
YOU MIGHT LIVE IN A NATION FOUNDED BY GENIUSIS BUT RUN BY LEFTISTS IF.........the plan is to make incentives for people to work by paying them not to look for work by granting them a 99 week paid vacation.....or, you pay your home mortgage without missing a single payment faithfully while denying yourself the extras that make life easier such Big Screen TVs another car..phone..etc., .....while you neighbor (a minority) purchased a home that his income could never pay back on time....goes out and purchases Iphones, huge tvs, new cars, etc......but allowed his home to get to the point of being in foreclosure.....and YOUR TAX DOLLARS bail him out .....you might live in a nation run by leftist idiot leaders.